Women in Motorsports: Remembering Sabine Schmitz

Women in Motorsports: Remembering Sabine Schmitz

By Hisham Hilal | Staff Writer 1969-2021             A year later, we look back at renowned German racing driver and TV presenter Sabine Schmitz who passed away Tuesday the 16th of March 2021, aged 51, after a long struggle with cancer dating back to 2017. Often...
Occupation by Overestimation

Occupation by Overestimation

Conventional wisdom instructs not to underestimate one’s enemy. Countless military disasters, including the US wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, can attest to that. However, one must realise that overestimating the enemy could be just as fatal, if not outright more...
Close the Gap

Close the Gap

By Omar El Chmouri | Staff Writer Individuals with no official posts are capable of impactfully addressing socioeconomic challenges and should do so sincerely. Eyeing a top position is common amongst young people interested in politics. They justify it by a commitment...
عمالة الأطفال في إنتاج الكاكاو

عمالة الأطفال في إنتاج الكاكاو

يرفند قوندره جيان | كاتب صحفي تحتلّ قلوب الصّغار والكبار بطعمها اللذيذ، و تملأ آلافُ الأنواعِ منها رفوف المتاجر، ولك أن تنتقيَ ما لذّ وطاب. إنّها ألواح الشوكولاتة التي تصل إلينا مغلّفةً بأبهى حللها، بيد أنّنا نجهل تمامًا قصّة الأيادي الصغيرة التي تجهد في صنع مكوّناتها...