The Forgotten Mother of Wi-Fi

The Forgotten Mother of Wi-Fi

By Lara Alhassanieh Staff Writer “Pretty privilege” is a concept that was recently spotlighted by many women and envied by most of them, but to be a pretty woman is a double-edged sword. People don’t know what to do with a woman who is both beautiful and smart,...
Beyond Apathy

Beyond Apathy

By Nizar Bou Karroum | JE of Opinions (Arabic) Lebanon is presently facing its most severe economic crisis to date, marked by skyrocketing prices, rampant inflation, and an ever-widening wealth gap. Despite the dire circumstances, some have criticized the Lebanese...
اعذريني إذ بدوت حزينا

اعذريني إذ بدوت حزينا

بتول سويدان | كاتبة     قد أكتب عن سوريا اليوم، لكن قلمي لا يمكنه الكتابة عنها. سوريا لا يمكن أن يصفها قلم ولا أسطر. المأساة التي يعاني منها الشعب السوري يصعب وصفها بالكلمات، من مناطق منكوبة بسبب الحرب، الى مدن مدمرة بفعل الزلازل يعاني الطفل السوري في طفولته من...
Chasing Roots

Chasing Roots

By Issam Raad | Staff Writer “I hunt everywhere for a life worth living and a knowledge worth knowing. Having roots nowhere, I have everywhere to go.” ⎯ Rumi Across earth and probably beyond, civilizations exist similarly yet differently. From the ‘Norðurljós’...