Discover the persisting impact of books and literature on our society, including old-time classics and new novels that have provided a new perspective to the vast topic that is literature.

Our top picks

The Chambers of my Heart

The Chambers of my Heart

By Nancy Slim | Staff Writer

my heart is like a huge red pomegranate with its chambers full of people i love and places i’ve been.

Dostoyevsky and Depravity

Dostoyevsky and Depravity

If one’s entire identity is centred around being a warped and corrupted being, changing seems like a betrayal to the self.

Not So Normal “Normal People”

Not So Normal “Normal People”

The core of a “Normal People” relationship is shame in the public eye. A one-sided shame that consumes a Connell struggling with masculinity. A one-sided shame that confuses a desperate Marianne, clutching at signs of reciprocity.