Discover the persisting impact of books and literature on our society, including old-time classics and new novels that have provided a new perspective to the vast topic that is literature.

Our top picks

Bonjour Tristesse and the Downfall of Hedonism”

Bonjour Tristesse and the Downfall of Hedonism”

By Tala Abou Ali | Staff Writer

In her debut novel Bonjour Tristesse (1954), a then 18 year old Francoise Sagan tells
the story of Cecile, an adolescent girl who has been pursuing a life of pleasure and fun with
her father Raymond ever since she exited the nunnery

In Defense of Lolita

In Defense of Lolita

By Elena Hijazi | Staff Writer

Lolita is an infamous classic novel written by the Russian author, Vladimir Nabokov
that you have undoubtedly heard of