Discover the persisting impact of books and literature on our society, including old-time classics and new novels that have provided a new perspective to the vast topic that is literature.

Our top picks

A Review of Life on the Mississippi

A Review of Life on the Mississippi

By Garo Kerdelian | Staff Writer
If we are to take away a lesson from Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain, let it be this: time inevitably goes on, and Twain’s simple and light-hearted approach to things is one everyone should adopt from time to time. In times of constant change, we can all learn from the steamboat pilots who braved the Mississippi – that “great father of Waters” – and be confident in our knowledge and experience, develop good judgment, memory, and decision, and go out into the great unknown with a courage that no peril can shake.

A Book Talk about Ba`thist Syria

A Book Talk about Ba`thist Syria

by Zeina Bazarbachi | contributing writer

A recount of a public talk by Princeton University’s Associate Professor Max Weiss, which was organized by CAMES and the Department of English at AUB. It was titled Revolutions Aesthetic: A Cultural History of Ba`thist Syria and was meant to walk the attendees through Weiss’ latest book with the same title.