Advocating for change by shedding light and offering rich perspectives on issues related to politics, economics, culture, identity and human rights.

Our top picks

Cartoons: The Art of Resistance

Cartoons: The Art of Resistance

By Lynn Ezzedinne | Staff Writer

In a world where people are constantly bombarded by information, it becomes quite difficult to captivate their attention. However, cartoons; combining art, satire, and journalism have done so countless times and have managed to stand out even during madness and turmoil. 

A Call against Animal Cruelty

A Call against Animal Cruelty

By Yervand Kondrahjian | Staff Writer

Torturing animals and depriving them of their right to live in their natural environments are heinous acts, especially when the cause they are dying for is not totally valid.

A Shift in Narrative: How White is the Publishing Industry?

A Shift in Narrative: How White is the Publishing Industry?

By Lilia Chahine | Staff Writer

Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Africans, and African-Americans are just a few of the severely underrepresented minorities in publishing. Representation matters because it shapes how minorities are viewed by society.