by Lara Al Hassanieh | Staff Writer


Like a broken record, we hear about Andrew Tate’s shenanigans at least once a day. While I don’t claim to be the internet police, I can’t deny that I found myself at the edge of my seat every time he showed up on my feed. I wanted to speak up but realized that it would be futile, I’d be white noise compared to the sea of people who keep cheering this man on. However, here is my take, and I hope to some degree, we can agree on some grounds at least.

 Let’s start with the basics: A misogynist, by definition, is a person who has an unconscious hatred for women. And maybe you can think of someone in particular who has these traits, but unfortunately, there are many misogynists who claim to be pro-women while acting the complete opposite. Not a single misogynist acts like the other, they might have some similar characteristics, but we should always watch out for their actions and their words, as one can be a clue to the other.

My first impression of Andrew Tate, resulted from the number of preachy videos he has out there. He talks about hustle culture, female-centric societies, men, women, and the infamous matrix. But let’s be objective here, Andrew Tate called many of us “haters” on Rob Moore’s Youtube channel, talking about how any woman who was asked whether she likes Andrew Tate or not immediately said she hates him. He said that women call him a misogynist without any proof or understanding what the word itself entails. Moreover, he claims that there is no proof of his misogyny anywhere and that people always take his words out of context. Basically, everyone who hates Andrew Tate is a slave to the matrix, with no agency, they’re merely puppets who are regularly updating their views based on the trends or the so-called “machines”. 

He called me out honestly, I guess I’m a slave to the system too…

Listening before judging? Deal. On being called a misogynist, Andrew Tate says on a date with Chian in Stand Out TV “I think that the synergy between men and women is a beautiful thing as long as it’s done correctly, as long as the woman obeys like she’s supposed to”. On infidelity, he says that male and female loyalty are not the same: “If a man sleeps with a bunch of chicks, it doesn’t matter, who cares?”. He continues with, “body count is the easiest way to judge the value of a female”. Here are but a few statements that prove misogyny, which is characterized by feelings of superiority towards women. On Layah Heilpern’s YouTube channel , Andrew Tate says that he is a realist, and that he can’t travel with any females because it’s like taking a three-year-old with him. Moreover, he says his life is a war, and he’s resisting the enslavement of man by making a lot of money so he becomes ungovernable.

We can’t stop here, though, because Andrew Tate has been accused of rape by 3 women. Are these rape allegations really shocking? There are voice notes where he tells one of those women that he “loves raping her” and many more revolting things. He accuses women of lying to him, but when he lies about being Christian he immediately reverts to the “I can do it, but you can’t” argument. Moreover, he is currently in prison for human trafficking and rape allegations, but is this shocking when he keeps telling us he wants to be above the government? Human trafficking, according to the Department of Homeland Security, is when force, fraud, or coercion is used to obtain labor or sex acts from a person. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, false promises of well-paying jobs, and romantic relationships to lure people in. This does not seem a very far-fetched thing to do for the man who explicitly said that if his woman was to make an Onlyfans, she should give him all the money because she’s promoting “his product”.

I will leave the rest to you, dear reader, to ponder. If a man tells you two lies and a truth, what would you focus on? To put it bluntly, Andrew Tate is a man of many words and many actions, a resistor of feminism, in a time where men don’t feel as powerful as before. Don’t let the pro-women act fool you, because it’s just that, an act. Personally, I wish misogynistic men like Tate came with a label attached “do not approach” in bold red, because men like him can sweep you off your feet. With or without your consent? That is the question…