Mikhail Naimy

By Alissar Izrafeel | Staff Writer

I am honored to have had a discussion with Suha Naimy, Mikhail Naimy’s granddaughter. The article is an appreciation to Suha Naimy and a tribute to Mikhail Naimy, who is one of the most prominent figures in modern Arabic literature. The following is an interview that I conducted with her.

Who is Mikhail Naimy to the world?

Interesting question. Mikhail is a summit of thought and spirituality. He aims to elevate thought and reach those who are interested in knowing him. His thoughts enlighten the souls and minds of the humans who seek to know their essence – the essence of Godliness. He guides those who are pursuing their original humanity and who are yearning for their roots. Moreover, he motivates people to take the path that would facilitate their journey to the summit of “being God.”

Who is Mikhail Naimy to Suha Naimy?

Well, I am originally Suha Haddad. I was born in Mikhail Naimy’s home. He was my father in spirituality and in belonging throughout my entire life. I will carry that with me till the end of time. He is my home, backbone, and guide. He is the summit to which I transcend. He is the light of my eyes, and the light of his eyes is the love that I always seek. My biological mother, on the other hand, is May Najib Naimy, Mikhail’s niece and spiritual daughter. May is my biological mother – the mother in every sense. He nicknames her “my guardian angel.” Upon his return from America in May 1932 to Baskinta, Chakhroub in Lebanon, he stayed with his brother Najib. He took part in the upbringing of his brother’s kids, nephews, and niece.

For the people who don’t know Mikhail Naimy and his thoughts, what is his life philosophy?

According to Mikhail, life is aware of itself, but the human is not yet up to the level to be totally aware of himself. It is up to the human to open his eyes and other senses farther than the biological sight to get to know the true source and meaning of his own life. Because, according to Mikhail, humans are the fledglings of God. We come from one source, and we return to that same source, the light of God. Our trajectory is a path of love, elevation, and transcendence of pain and suffering. These concepts are good guides for the betterment of humans in order to reach our origins.

Can you give me a piece of information that is so authentic and genuine to Mikhail that no one else knows?

I think Mikhail is quite transparent in his philosophy and his writings. He conveys true reflections of who he is and what he is. His words are his own self, and his own self is his words. He is true and authentic, he doesn’t like lies, he avoids naive personalities because they are pullers. They pull down the greater self – that is from God – while our objective is to reach God. Well, I still keep at our home-museum in Mtayleb, the Mikhail Naimy “Mimasuna,” which encompasses all the details of our shared home in Zalka. I still have the mug that his first love gifted him. I still have a pack of hair that his last love gifted him, right before his return to Lebanon in May 1932. He is very loyal, authentic, and genuine; he says what he means, and he means what he says.

Is it possible that you provide a briefing about the Mikhail Naimy “Mimasuna” home-museum in Mtayleb?

The Mikhail Naimy home-museum in Mtayleb is my home now. It documents, enfolds, and encompasses our home together as one family, “Mimasuna” in Zalka. I lived the first three years of my life in Jdeideh, and I lived my next 17 years in Zalka. I was 20 years old when he passed away to the other realm of existence. Thus, the first 20 years of my life were his last 20 years. Mikhail was the breadwinner of the family. He paid for my school and university tuition. All of Mikhail Naimy’s personal belongings, photos, memories, manuscripts, published and not, are taken from the revenues of Mikhail Naimy’s books. All these moments are documented in the home-museum in Mtayleb.

In your opinion, what are the challenges faced in the conservation of the great legacy of a great author as renowned as Mikhail Naimy?

To preserve this legacy properly, I need to receive financial support from non-politicized sources. Thus, it is difficult and challenging. I need to preserve, conserve, and exhibit the literary treasures for this generation and many generations to come long after I am gone. It should be of a certain caliber that is not pulled down to the level of commercialization. Hence, there is a fine line between the non-politicized sponsor and uncommercialized preservation that needs its own financial feeding to sustain itself.

In your opinion, which country has Mikhail Naimy preferred, the United States or Lebanon?

Mikhail Naimy immigrated to Palestine for five years and to Russia for another five years. Then, he immigrated to the USA for almost 21 years. He returned to Lebanon when he was 34 years old. He stayed in Lebanon until he parted this world. He loved Russia because he loved the simplicity of its people; the peasants and those who have a close connection to the land. He didn’t like New York, United states in the sense of its race against the clock for the sake of the dollar. However, he loved its transcendentalist authors such as the works of Henry David Thoreau. His favorite country ever is Lebanon, and that’s why he returned to it. He loved his village Baskinta due to the simplicity of its people, tranquility, silence of Chakhroub, and the greatness of nature. It mirrors the glory and the greatness of God.

Congratulations on the release of the first book that you signed at Haigazian University in summer 2023 and to which you have cordially invited me. I’m so appreciative of that. Can you give me a summary of the book? And what is the relationship between the book, you, and Mikhail Naimy, “a triad of a relationship?” How would you describe it in your own words?

The title of my book is “The Buzzing of the Fly Over the Window Pane.” As the title suggests, there is a lot of buzzing. An active fly that thinks it is free but is stuck in a transparent shield that imprisons it from open space. This is exactly what we humans feel. We think we are free but we are trapped in invisible barriers which our awareness doesn’t recognize. The book is about illusions that we firmly hold on to while the realities are within our thoughts. I have taken a lot of nuances, and it is very difficult to draw a clear partition between my own perceptions and Mikhael’s influences. He is an integral part of me, he is present everywhere in my life along with my mother, May Najib Naimy. He is definitely integral to my growth, mind, soul, faith, passion for writing, and home. I would say “Jiddou Micha” is an incarnation of God’s love in my life.

Concluding Thoughts:

“I would tell Mikhail Naimy that his thoughts, soul, depth, and the truthfulness of his authentic words are needed in every era by humans to reach their roots of light and godliness. Mikhail Naimy has always believed that humans are fledglings of God. His thoughts will always be universal and will be addressed to every human being who seeks his true self and redemption. I love you, Jiddou Micha.”