By Sireen Hojaig | Contributing Writer

“Sweden faces a new and more dangerous reality. We and our neighbours are living in the direct shadow of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,” Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson stated in a conference sparking worry of a new war erupting.

February 24, 2022, marked a turning point in Europe where tensions were quickly heightened following the Russian offense on Ukrainian soil, marking the start of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. This conflict has been continuous, where various clashes have taken place such as the 2014 annexation of Crimea. However, Russia decided to wage war on the capital Kyiv, when Ukraine kept on urging European powers to be a member of NATO which is the biggest military alliance backed by the Western hegemonies. Russia’s attack on the Ukrainian capital has shattered any chances of future NATO membership handed to Ukraine. This conflict showcases Russia’s response to any NATO threat that may be imposed around her borders. This is where Sweden comes into play. As of May 18, 2022, a few months after the beginning of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, Sweden had applied for membership to join NATO. This broke a history of neutrality that Sweden embodied. 

It was long before the Ukrainian war that the Swedish government considered joining NATO as vital for their safety. In 2013, the Russian Air Force simulated a nuclear attack on a facility close to Stockholm. However, it was the war waged on Ukraine that urged them a few months later to seek official NATO membership. 

Sparks of panic spread around Sweden when recently, in January 2024, the government reactivated the civilian military conscription. Could we see a war erupting between Russia and Sweden? The chances of war happening are exponentially higher now, as on the 24 of January 2024, Turkey, which represented a critical obstacle for Sweden’s NATO application, finally approved their membership.  This brought Sweden closer to being officially admitted into NATO, as Hungry stands as the only country in the 31-member Western alliance that has yet to ratify the Swedish bid. As the world awaits Hungary’s approval, and as NATO approaches Russian borders, will Russia retaliate?
