By Karam Makkaoui | Staff Writer

Established in 1945, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) stands as the primary judicial body within the United Nations. Its duties include settling legal disputes between states and providing advisory opinions on legal matters referred by the Security Council, General Assembly, or other UN bodies. Situated in The Hague, Netherlands, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a vital institution for fostering peaceful resolution of international conflicts and safeguarding legal norms worldwide.

 The 15 distinguished judges that comprise the ICJ are elected by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council for a nine-year tenure. Candidates with the best qualifications, knowledge of international law, and a dedication to integrity are given priority during the election process. The judges are drawn from various regions of the globe to ensure a balanced representation.

 Once appointed, ICJ judges begin a rigorous procedure of case adjudication. The court hears cases with complex legal problems that can have global implications. The judges convene to reach well-reasoned decisions after reviewing extensive legal briefs and hearing oral arguments from the parties involved. Not only do their rulings settle specific conflicts, but also contribute to the development and clarification of international law.

Fifteen distinguished judges make up the current composition of the International Court of Justice, and each one offers the court a distinct viewpoint on the law. Notable figures such as President Joan Donoghue from the United States, Vice-President Kirill Gevorgian from Russia, Xue Hanqin from China, and Ronny Abraham from France contribute their expertise to the court’s deliberations.

Among the panel of judges, Nawaf Salam, hailing from Lebanon, stands out as the only Arab judge in the ICJ. His nomination in 2018 marked a historic occasion that demonstrated the court’s increasing diversification. Experienced diplomat and legal specialist Judge Salam has been essential in encouraging the ICJ to comprehend Middle Eastern legal viewpoints more thoroughly.

As Lebanon’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Judge Nawaf Salam has a plethora of experience that he has brought to the ICJ. His vast expertise in international law and diplomacy has proven invaluable in addressing complex cases, especially ones that affect the Arab world. Salam’s continuous dedication to fairness and justice has earned him respect inside the ICJ and on the global stage.

To sum up, the International Court of Justice continues to represent a ray of hope for the peaceful resolution of international disputes. The diverse group of judges, which includes Lebanese judge Nawaf Salam, demonstrates a commitment to inclusion and a wider range of legal viewpoints. As the only Arab judge, Judge Salam’s services to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) exemplify the court’s devotion to fostering a more just and equitable international legal system. The ongoing cooperation of these esteemed judges guarantees that the International Court of Justice will continue to play a significant role in upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law worldwide.
