By Shafik Khalili | Staff Writer

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, U.S. White House Senior Advisor Amos Hochstein visited Beirut to meet with Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, military commander Joseph Aoun, and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri to discuss the developing situation with Israel. The U.S. mediator proposed that to end all hostilities between Lebanon and Israel, Hezbollah must pull back 8 kilometers from the border to allow the return of displaced residents on both borders. Hochstein stated that 10,000 soldiers should be deployed to work with UNIFIL forces to ensure the implementation of resolution 1701. He also stated that the border dispute will be negotiated by the exchange of papers and proposals between Beirut and Tel Aviv, which he will oversee. According to sources, during discussions, Hochstein emphasized Washington’s strong desire to avoid an escalation into war and received confirmation from Lebanon of its adherence to UN Resolution 1701 along with a commitment to avoiding military conflict. However, finding a solution is not as straightforward as some may believe. The Lebanese position advocates for resolving the issues based on the full implementation of Resolution 1701. This would require Israeli withdrawal from disputed border areas such as point “B1,” the northern part of Ghajar, the Shebaa Farms, and the Kfarchouba hills. While both Lebanon and Israel wish to prevent another war, differences remain regarding these contested regions which Lebanon feels Israel has failed to withdraw from as stipulated by Resolution 1701. Bridging the gap on these issues will prove challenging. The Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said a deal to halt all tensions at the border will link to ending the assault on Gaza. Even though Hochstein is mediating between two parties there is a major third party, Hezbollah, who reject Hochstein’s proposals. Hezbollah has rejected the U.S.’s proposal for its army to pull back from the border but is still open to diplomacy to avoid the war though they find Hochstein’s proposals to be unrealistic. Hezbollah remains adamant that it will keep on fighting and firing rockets into Israel until a full ceasefire is established in Gaza. Even with both sides wanting to avoid a war, both sides say they are willing to fight if necessary. Israel warns it will respond more aggressively if a deal isn’t made soon. As success in his current efforts is yet to be determined, it is important to note that Hochstein has had successful mediations with Lebanon and Israel before. In 2022 he brokered the disputed maritime boundary deal between Lebanon and Israel which had Hezbollah’s approval. 
