By Joseph Nzeh | Staff Writer

Ghana, a country in the western part of Africa, has enjoyed political stability since embracing constitutional democracy in 1992. Subsequently, the country ranks high in most global democratic metrics and is one of the most sought-after destinations for investment in Africa. This, in part, is due to the absence of instability and the peaceful transition of political power to elected parties. However, in a concerning turn of events, there appears to be a dark shadow sweeping across Ghana’s democratic landscape. 

The cancellation of an interview with Nana Kwame Bediako on GTV, the state-owned national television, on January 17 has prompted contentious discussions and raised concerns about the state of democracy in the country. Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Freedom Jacob Caesar, is the leader of the ‘New Force,’ an emerging political entity. Mr. Bediako has not only been an outspoken activist for the necessity of Ghanaian youths to take roles in national governance but has also garnered substantial support from them, making him a force to reckon with. His intentions that he will be running for president have prompted interviews with the media, and the state-run TV network is not an exception. A few minutes before the start of the show, the highly publicized program was canceled with a purported ‘order from above.’

This comes after the controversial cancellation of a previous event organized by the New Africa Foundation, Mr. Bediako’s foundation. The event which was dubbed ‘the Convention’ sought to empower and ignite the spirit of Pan-Africanism through the insights of thought-provoking leaders like Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, Prof. PLO Lumumba, Mr. Julius Malema, and Mr. Peter Obi. The event, scheduled for Sunday, January 7, 2024, was canceled through an order from the Office of the President. The distinguished speakers as well as the participants who have traveled from different parts of the continent were left dismayed and disappointed.

Compounding these developments is the issue of Miss Shalimar Abbuisi, the spokesperson of the New Force. Miss Abbuisi’s involvement with the New Force entangled her in a web of controversies leading to her arrest and subsequent deportation. This adds another layer of complexity to the unfolding narratives in the minds of most Ghanaians. For many, there appears to be a growing fear among individuals expressing dissenting views and associating themselves with the New Force. This therefore presents serious concerns about the state of both freedom of speech and association. 

Ghana has suffered the worst decline in press freedom under the leadership of President Akuffo Addo. Burkina Faso, a country currently under military rule outperformed Ghana in the most recent press freedom index by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF). This unfortunate trend, characterized by the abuse of media personnel, calls into question the President’s commitment to uphold freedom and basic rights.

Similarly, there are indications of a concerted government attempt, facilitated via various government institutions, to thwart Mr. Bediako’s candidacy in the forthcoming 2024 national elections. Mr. Bediako has stated that despite fulfilling the necessary requisites, the Electoral Commission has yet to grant their political party license. Adjunct to these, a sudden pursuit by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), a government agency has surfaced, alleging tax evasion on the part of the New Force’s leader. 

The President of Ghana, Nana Akuffo Addo has publicly stated his intention to transfer power to the next presidential candidate of his political party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP). Is Ghana’s democracy under threat? – the pressing question on the minds of many Ghanaians. 
