By Mohamad Hojeije | Staff Writer


On February 21st, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his address to the nation and the parliament on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war. In the days prior to the event, his speech was heavily advertised through state-sanctioned propaganda, creating an aura of uncertainty that went viral on Twitter. Putin emphasized the need for Russia to maintain its military strength and sovereignty in the face of external threats. He also spoke about the importance of modernizing the country’s infrastructure and improving social welfare programs for citizens, including occupied areas in Ukraine. He also mentioned several foreign policy issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the tensions between Russia and the U.S., accusing the U.S. of interfering in Russia’s internal affairs and warned against any attempts to undermine Russia’s security. 

Putin also states that Russia will be halting its participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the last standing treaty on nuclear arms control with the U.S. The START puts limits on the deployment of strategic nuclear arsenals of both countries. The impacts of these actions seem unclear, as the Russian foreign ministry later claimed it would continue to abide by limits on the program. The speech also addressed curious points such as criticizing same-sex marriage, the Anglican Church, and Western progressive political views. 

In response, U.S. President Joe Biden, who was in Warsaw, Poland, after his visit to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, vowed to defend “literally every inch” of NATO, reassuring Eastern European Allies of the United States’ commitment. He also labeled Russia’s halting of the START treaty as a “big mistake.” 

The exchange between Putin and Biden comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries, as the war reaches its first anniversary. The war in Ukraine remains the major point of contention between the two countries. The conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths and has strained relations between Russia and the West. It remains to be seen how the exchange between Putin and Biden will impact the war, the international economy, and international law going forward.