By Thalia Kattoura | Staff Writer


Reading and educating oneself is crucial to remaining enlightened in such dark times and is seen by many readers as a refuge. Unfortunately, the ongoing economic crisis in Lebanon has constrained many readers across the country from finding affordable books. 

Bookstores have struggled to keep their prices intact; while several have closed down, others were able to come up with ways to remain resilient. Kitabi, a small bookshop in Hamra, came up with an innovative initiative: selling books for $1, depending on the daily exchange rate. They created a group chat for readers to interact and reserve the books at said price. 

This initiative, as expected, was widely successful. The group chat currently hosts 252 eager participants, and readers can finally afford their favorite books again. 

The owners of Kitabi – Juliette and Ayad – reported to that they started this initiative because they wanted “readers to keep reading”. 

In essence, purchasing books has become a luxury. As a result, leisure and education have become luxuries as well. To attempt to make books affordable is to open a door of opportunities for people all across Lebanon. 

Reading in times of crisis preserves one’s education, culture, and literacy. Through Kitabi’s initiative, many people have managed to persevere. 

Kitabi is situated in Hamra, Antoun Gemayel Street, near White Pharmacy. Make sure to check them out!