By Lara AlHassanieh | Staff Writer
Why is paternity leave such a controversial topic? Is a man no longer manly when he shows affection towards his child? With the media and globalization shaking up grounds of reality that appeared to be static, there is finally a time and room to discuss the roles and responsibilities that dads have in their children’s lives. Even celebrities who became dads, such as John Legend and Mark Zuckerberg, spoke on this issue in support of paternity leave. Mark Zuckerburg himself said on Facebook:
“At Facebook, we offer four months of maternity and paternity leave because studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, it’s good for the entire family. And I’m pretty sure the office will still be standing when I get back.”
Every dad should have the right and duty to hold and take care of his child, and it should not be labeled a responsibility for the mother only. Moreover, the bonds of family can only form and become unbreakable if its members spend more time with each other.
Parenting from a Father’s Perspective
While the mother’s role in parenting the newborn and raising them is often well-defined, the expectations placed on fathers tend to fluctuate, and the bar seems to be set so low in comparison. Only a few studies showcase the changes that happen to fathers upon the birth of their children. Several studies show that both men and women experience significant emotional upheaval when they are about to become parents and that both genders require help to navigate parenthood. An increasing number of men are starting to see paternity leave as an important aspect, more about intimacy and bond building, which is an vital aspect of fatherhood, and less of a threat to their masculinity. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), men often feel overlooked during birth preparation classes and by healthcare professionals, making them feel dissatisfied. The number of institutions available to help men during the life-changing period of pregnancy is limited compared to those available to women.
Effect on the Child’s Development
Research at the University of Texas reveals that the father’s absence during childbirth can lead to a less healthy mom and baby; and absent dads are less likely to help moms around the house and financially support the baby. There appears to be a drastic difference in the development of children whose fathers were present at birth compared to those whose fathers were not. Moreover, fathers who receive paternity leave often relieve the mothers of some burden, and household chores become more equally divided between the two according to a study by the World Economic Forum. Thus, mothers can be more joyful, active and engaged in play with their children, especially during times where symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) might arise. There is a notable association between PPD and a heightened risk of delayed cognitive and language development, disorganized or insecure attachment, higher rates of behavioral problems, and lower grades for the child. Therefore, the fewer the PPD symptoms, the lesser the child will be hindered and face challenges later on in life>
Affordability of Paternity Leave
Having a child is quite a challenge, especially for new parents, and can be an all-consuming activity, often requiring both parents to cooperate in household tasks making paternity leave even more weighty. Eurofound, a European Union Agency that provides knowledge that assists in the development of better social, employment, and work-related policies, finds that all Member States of the EU offer at least one option to fathers to take time off work to care for their children. Paternity leave is generally well-compensated, without significant loss of earnings, and also very short. However, fathers often report not feeling sufficient support and understanding from their employers, with complex forms making it hard to obtain parental leave. Also, this demographic is especially more impacted by, and rightly concerned with, the income reduction that comes with paternity leave. These obstacles significantly restrict fathers with lower educational attainment or income, and those working in manual occupations, from receiving parental leave. According to World Bank data, 37 countries have adopted paid leave for fathers in the past decade, and up to 114 counties currently offer paid paternity leave or reserve parental leave for fathers. Although this is a step in the right direction, there remains a huge issue regarding the duration of paternity leave as it averages at about 7 days compared to the 10-week average mothers get.
Nowadays, life has become increasingly fast-paced, and it has become easy to allow work and money to take up a majority of the father’s time if paternity leave is not well-compensated. However, all dads deserve to recognize the importance of taking a step back and enjoying the little things even when they are short-lived. The baby’s first steps, first words, and first tooth are incredibly memorable events that might seem brief in passing, but sooner rather than later, the baby will be no longer, and a full-grown human will take its place. Therefore, it is crucial to keep the conversation on paternity leave ongoing and to encourage its extension so that everyone in the family is satisfied.
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