By Sarah Al Arab | Staff Writer

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been the most significant menace to Europe since World War II. Upon that, the internet connectivity has been disrupted by the Russian bombardments on the Ukrainian information infrastructure especially in the southern and eastern parts of the country rendering them offline. 

As a result of the Twitter plea of Ukraine’s vice prime minister Mikheil Fedorov, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk sent Starlink terminals to Ukraine after their internet service was disturbed amid the Russian invasion, and many cities were cut off from the outer world. Ukraine feared that their defense would be knocked out if the internet sources were put down. Starlink terminals provide orbital satellites that supply internet connection to anyone anywhere on Earth. These terminals can be useful for journalists, resistance groups, or government officials. The terminals provide connectivity by creating a personal hotspot for the person using them. 

Meanwhile, Musk raised awareness for people in Ukraine who are using Starlink because there is a high probability that they might be targeted through the satellite signals of the Russian forces, just as Russia has done previously in its wars in Chechnya and Syria. 

“Internet shutdown” in wars and revolutions is not a newly occurring aspect. Social media blocks, slowdowns, or other forms of digital interference have increased sevenfold, this was clearly demonstrated during the Sudanese, Iranian, and Yemen revolutions. Governments and invading countries frequently use this technique to hide the facts and evade the public opinion that would take measures against them and oppose their oppressive actions. Internet shutdown is purely against human rights because it violates the freedom of speech that every single person has the right to practice.

The political and technical mechanics of internet shutdown will always remain a dangerous phenomenon that will lead to dangerous ramifications in the short and long term. However, Starlink’s new technology appeals to be a distinctive tool that can help in overcoming these inhumane blackouts and it could give those targeted a greater advantage.