By Dunia Fakih | Staff Writer

Growing up as a girl, you hear things like ‘No one will like you if you’re flat’ or ‘boys like girls with big boobs’. For many centuries, breasts have signified femininity, womanhood, and sexuality – be it in terms of motherhood, or in a sexualized context. Traditionally, women were worried about what would happen if they didn’t have the ideal breast shape or size: “Will I no longer be desired? Will I not be considered feminine anymore?” Today, breasts continue to be an important part of a lot of people’s identities and a key element in expressing their sexuality.

Coming of age in a man’s world, we are made to believe that all boobs should look the same: They should defy gravity but still bounce an appropriate amount. They should be round, big, centered, and have tiny pink nipples. It follows that, of course, if you don’t meet the requirements you are doomed for a life full of insecurities, body dysmorphia, and a very limited list of sexual partners who actually make you feel good about yourself. 

Well, I have news for you: Boobs come in every shape, size and even color; every pair is unique, and most importantly, they are all beautiful! I mean, WHO DOESN’T LOVE BOOBS?! Surely talking is easier than actually normalizing our beautiful bodies, but here are different types of boobs that deserve love and recognition.

The Archetype

The archetype is the kind of breasts we all know and love: round, symmetrical, firm, with tiny little nipples. 


Breasts are considered asymmetrical when one boob is bigger than the other. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about it, just remember that this is more common than you think. The British scientific journal Breast Cancer Research, published data in 2006 stating that only one woman out of 504 had symmetrical breasts![1] 

Bell Shape

This breast shape is characterized by being large, slim at the top, and full at the bottom. 


This type of boob looks relaxed. It hangs down and the nipples point downward.


Don’t be misled by the name: You don’t need to be super athletic to have athletic breasts. These breasts are wider and more muscular, and they have less fat tissue. 


Conical breasts are more common in smaller breasts rather than large ones. These breasts are shaped more like cones than round and full. 

East West

These breasts are distinguished by the positioning of the nipples: they point to different directions and face outward.

Side Set

This type of breast is full and round, but there is more space between the two breasts. 


These boobs are round, and the bottom of them are wider than the top.

Close set

You have a close set type of boob when your breasts have no separation between the breasts, often leaving space between your chest and arms. 

Boobs come in many different shapes, colors, sizes, and even directions, but this doesn’t mean that they’re any less perfect; all boobs deserve love. Don’t let anyone tell you what is normal or not when it comes to your body, and learn to love the skin you’re in despite its imperfections. No matter what type of boob you have, they’re all beautiful, so embrace them as they come!