By Sara El-Husseini | Staff Writer

The Lebanese Elections: why it is so important to vote.

I think we all know by now that the parliamentary elections in Lebanon are to be held on March 27th 2022. Although it is rather early to preach such an event five months prior to its date; it is now more crucial than ever to highlight the importance of voting. 

With the unfortunate circumstances the Lebanese people are facing, from the economy failing to the fuel/electricity crisis, it seems there is no more room for hope or optimism. The only choice left is to take action, and said action can only be taken through voting: deciding the outcome of the elections is directly synonymous to deciding the outcome of the country, due to the following reasons: 

When you vote for a representative, what you’re actually doing is choosing the quality of life you want for yourself and for future generations- at least for the next four years. It is the only time you can actively have a voice in where the country is being directed to: for better or for worse. 

So why is it important to vote? It’s rather obvious: elections are decided by the people who actually vote and not voting means giving up your power and letting other people decide for you. Some people would argue that it is useless, that there is no room for change or improvement, but I say otherwise: voting is always an opportunity for change. No matter how bad the situation is now, we can all make a conscious choice in candidates who are adept and adamant on the pushing the nation to the greater good. 

So, what is my purpose and advice in writing this article? To encourage taking some time to learn about the candidates and their campaigns- to choose intently and responsibly. Most Lebanese make their voting choices based on the beliefs of their parents or close environment instead of their own autonomous choice. It’s time to break the paradigm; Stop being influenced by others and holding onto old beliefs that no longer serve you. Choose the best candidates according to competence and not political affiliation.

To end this article on a positive note: even if you have lost faith, vote. Even if everyone around you has told you it’s useless, vote. Even if you feel it won’t amount to anything: vote. Remember that change is always around the corner, and light comes especially after the darkest of hours.