Poverty, poverty, poverty! A word still heard throughout the 21st century. No country is safe when it comes to poverty. Even the greatest country in the world which is the United States of America suffers from poverty. Around 10.5% of the American people live below the poverty line. Unfortunately, all states as highlighted in this map witness poverty with Mississippi having the highest rate which is around 20%.
Too many people are still suffering in “the best it has ever been” economy. Thus, action must be taken!
These people should be empowered. For instance, an agenda focused on poverty amelioration should start with workforce development initiatives that invest in people living in disadvantaged counties. Also, the government should have the political will to enact the policies that will increase economic security, expand opportunities, and grow the middle class.
Finally, overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. -Nelson Mandela-