Early childhood pregnancies – Adolescence 15-19 years: A look at India vs China
Problem: Adolescent pregnancy
Early childbearing or pregnancy is a global issue. It is estimated that 13% of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 give birth before they turn 18. Early pregnancy negatively affects their education, livelihoods, and health, as girls often drop out of school, hindering their career aspirations, employment prospects, and opportunities. There are social and health consequences of adolescent pregnancy that can lead to stigmatization, rejection, violence, and early marriage.

Map of India and China – Average Adolescent Fertility Rate (births per 1000 women aged 15-19 yrs) 1979 to 2022 (China vs India) Map
Problem Evidence: A review of adolescent fertility rate in India vs China

Adolescent Fertility Rate (births per 1000 women aged 15-19 yrs) 1979 to 2022 (China vs India)
• In 2022, China’s adolescent fertility was 5 births per 1000 women. The highest rate was recorded in 1987 at 30 births per 1000 women.
• Comparatively, India had 14 births per 1000 women in the same year. In 1982, India recorded the highest fertility rate of 161 births per 1000 teenage women. The global average rate from 1979 to 2022 was 34.56 births per 1000 women!
• In 2022, India overtook China to become the world’s most populous country at 1.46 billion people
Potential Solution: Education, Social Support and Legislative Reforms
The Indian government recognizes the factors contributing to adolescent pregnancy and that the determinants for addressing this issue revolve around government policies, access to reproductive health education, social awareness, social support systems, and legislative reforms.
Solution Details
• Reproductive Education: The Indian government should integrate reproductive health education into the national curriculum to address taboos and promote safe reproduction practices. The lack of sexual reproductive health knowledge increases the risk of adolescent pregnancy.
• Strengthen Social Support Institutions: The government should establish youth-friendly reproductive health systems to promote and support teenage women. These systems can work to distribute contraceptives, provide family planning methods, offer early pregnancy diagnosis, and deliver counseling on pregnancy options.
• Community Awareness Programs: Parents, teachers, and social workers should actively participate in reproductive health awareness programs. Local authorities can monitor the prevalence and prevent child marriages.
Solution Evidence
• In contrast, the Chinese government implemented the one-child policy from 1979 until 2016. Although this policy may not have directly influenced the adolescent fertility rate, it maintained a stable population growth rate. This demonstrates that government interventions are effective.

Adolescent Fertility Rate, India vs China, 1979 to 2022
• The UNFPA China policy brief on ending unintended pregnancies among Chinese Youth by 2030 also offers solution strategies implemented by China.
• In Uganda, the government and UNICEF are implementing a four-year national strategy to end child marriage and teenage pregnancy from 2022-2023 to 2026-2027. This policy responds to a sharp increase in adolescent pregnancies in 2020, with a rise of 25% among those aged 15-19 years and 366% among those aged 10-14 years.
• Mexico developed two strategies, the National Strategy for the Prevention of Teen Pregnancy and a Model of Comprehensive Care in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Adolescents. Between 2014 and 2018, the adolescent fertility rate slightly decreased from 77.0 to 70.6 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19.
Recommendation: Way Forward
India can draw similarities from other countries and implement policies that suit Indian society. The following are recommended strategies to mitigate adolescent pregnancies:
a. Promulgate and Strengthen laws prohibiting early child marriages such as the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006.
b. Establish information repositories or databases on teenage pregnancies to set up early warning systems. This information can be used to conduct studies and design targeted interventions.
c. Integrate reproductive health education in the national education curriculum
d. Establish strong social support systems to promote awareness, welfare support and community involvement.
1. DTE, 2025. Combating Adolescent Pregnancy in India. Retrieved from https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-updates/daily-news-analysis/combating-adolescent-pregnancy-in-india
2. Estrade, Fatima et al, 2022. Public policy on the prevention of subsequent adolescent pregnancy: what type of policy prevails? Retrieved from https://scielosp.org/article/csp/2022.v38n9/e00025922/en/
3. Government of Uganda, 2022. THE NATIONAL STRATEGY TO END CHILD MARRIAGE AND TEENAGE PREGNANCY 2022/2023 – 2026/2027 – “A SOCIETY FREE OF CHILD MARRIAGE AND TEENAGE PREGNANCY”. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/uganda/media/13666/file/National%20Strategy%20to%20end%20Child%20marriage%20and%20Teenage%20Pregnancy%202022-2027.pdf
4. UNFPA China, 2013. Ending Unintended Pregnancies among Chinese Youth by 2030. Retrieved from https://china.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/Ending%20Unintended%20Pregnancies%20among%20Chinese%20Unmarried%20Youth%20by%202030-Final.pdf