Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2020
“Accessibility Removes Barriers and Unlocks the Possible” – GAAD
ABLE marks the 9th Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Beirut
1st Activity - Panel Discussion
Online Teaching and Learning Accessibility - Leading Practices with a Local Zoom-In
In celebration of the 9th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), The office of Information Technology (IT) at the American University of Beirut (AUB), under the ABLE initiative (Accessibility for a Bolder Learning Experience), has organized a 1-hour online panel discussion on WebEx to discuss "Online Teaching and Learning Accessibility" from a universal and local perspective, on Wednesday 27 May 2020.

Rabih Baalbaki
President - Lebanese Association for IT Professionals Board Member - PCA Edtech & Innovation - DT Network

Rami Farran
Director, Academic IT - American University of Beirut (AUB)

Jeremy Seda
IT Accessibility Coordinator - North Idaho College Member - Educause IT Accessibility Group

Myles Pilling
Council Member - British Assistive Technology Association (BATA)
An introduction to digital accessibility and inclusive online education
An overview of leading practices
A sketch view of the status in Lebanon
Pointers to get started and resources improve
2nd Activity - Digital Accessibility Quiz
A competition quiz on digital accessibility. The purpose of this competition is to motivate reading the provided resources about digital accessibility guidelines and therefore spread awareness.
The competition/quiz form provides an introductory video and a document about the web content accessibility guidelines, followed by a series of questions. The first correct answer wins.
The competition was shared on ABLE Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.
To check a summary of the quiz responses click on Digital Accessibility Quiz Analysis.

Attend one of the biggest fora in the region!