We have selected a wide variety of top recommended hotels near AUB to ensure a pleasant experience throughout your stay. We have directly linked every hotel to where you can easily book, and check all the accessibility features available for every hotel.
Please note that the ABLE Summit will be held at OSB Maamari, located in the lower campus of AUB.
Click on the + symbol to view additional information
Upper Campus
Mayflower Hotel
Accessibility Support Available.
- Lower bathroom sink
- Higher level toilet
- Wheelchair accessible
1866 Court & Suites
No accessibility support.
Golden Tulip MidTown
Casa D'or
No accessibility support.
Gefinor Rotana
Accessibility Support Available.
- Bathroom emergency cord
- Lowered sink
- Wheelchair accessible
Golden Tulip Serenada
Accessibility Support Available.
- Bathroom emergency cord
- Lowered sink
- Wheelchair accessible
Lower Campus
No accessibility support.
Bayview Hotel
All the information about the accommodation is provided by For more info, please contact us at:
Disclaimer: There are several more hotels near AUB, but we selected the ones we know provide a good experience.