About Us
The mission of the Vision and Robotics Lab (VRL) at the American University of Beirut is to expand knowledge in the areas of robotic vision and perception, robotic platform design and modeling, teleoperation and collaboration, human-robot interfacing and interaction, cyber-physical systems, optimal motion planning, and instrumentation. Since its establishment in 2006, VRL has engaged in fundamental research while catering to needs spanning from educational duties for graduate and undergraduate students as well as to serve the industrial and cultural sectors in Lebanon and the MENA region. VRL is furnished with state-of-the-art robotics systems that are tailored towards service industries such as: civil engineering, architecture, medical, agriculture, environment, and oil and gas.

News & Events
- Prof. Elie Shammas giving a talk “Can a cat ride a skateboard?” at IDEAS on April 18th 2019.https://sites.aub.edu.lb/ideas/talks/
- MED GAIMS: VRL award a Euro 2,381238 from the Cross-Border Cooperation with the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI CBC-MED). MED GAIMS is a consortium of seven partners in Lebanon, Italy, Spain, and Jordan, with VRL as PI. The grant was awarded through a competitive process, with only 41 grants awarded out of 437. The grant will run for three years starting in May 2019 and ending in April 2022. http://www.enpicbcmed.eu/communication/first-call-proposals-41-projects-approved-funding.
- 2 papers accepted to the 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Montreal Canada.
- 2 papers accepted to the 2019 International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (i2mtc) in Auckland, New Zealand.
- 26-27 February 2019: Invited presentation “AI Applications & Limitations” by Prof. Elhajj during the Order of Engineers and Architects Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Digital Revolution & Impact on the Economy, Beirut, Lebanon.
- 28 January 2019: Haytham Dbouk successfully defended his ME thesis “Operator-Based Dynamic Bandwidth Management for Teleoperation”.
- Prof. Elhajj keynote speaker “AI Serving Robots, Security, and Health” during the 19th International Arab Conference on Information Technology, 28-30 November 2018, Lebanon.
- 7 November 2018: Dr. Noel Maalouf successfully defended his PhD thesis “Biomimetic Humanoid Gait Design and Push Recovery”.
- January 2018: PhD candidate Mahdi Saleh recipient of BLF-IFI Climate Change Student Competition First Place Award for the proposed research: “Development of Capacitive Sensor Array for Measuring Soil Water Capacity”.
- AUB University Research Board awards 3 grants to VRL PIs [2018].