+9613414178 sh41@aub.edu.lb

Book Chapters

"تقديم" في حسام الدين درويش. في المفاهيم المعيارية الكثيفة العلمانية، الإسلام (السياسي)، تجديد الخطاب الديني. بيروت: جسور.

"الحوزات الدينية والتعليم الديني الشيعي: من تراث الاستقلالية الى التبعية السياسية". عبد الله محمد الطائي (محرر) الحوزة والدولة : الإسلام الشيعي والمرأة والجيوبولتيك. عمان: معهد السياسة والمجتمع. صص 71-86.

“Forward”. Handbook on sociology of inequality in BRICS countries. Edited by Kiran Odhav & Jayanathan Govender. London: Frontpage Publications.

“Postface”. Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Li Peilin, Kim Seung Kuk and Shujiro Yazawa (Eds.) Handbook Post-Western Sociology: From East Asia to Europe. Brill. Pp. 995-998.

"مقدمة الطبعة العربية". التفكير سوسيولوجيًّا. زيغمونت باومان وتِم ماي. ترجمة: حجّاج أبو جبر. بيروت: الروافد الثقافية. (2022)

"Social Love as an Approach: Notes from the field". Silvia Cataldi and Gennaro Iorio. Social Love and the Critical Potential of People: When the Social Reality Challenges the Sociological Imagination. London and New York: Routledge

C Raymond, M Catusse and S Hanafi “Un miroir libanais des sciences sociales: Introduction". Candice Raymond, Myriam Catusse and Sari Hanafi (Eds.) Un miroir des sciences sociales. Acteurs, pratiques et savoirs au Liban. Diacritiques Éditions. pp. 8-34. (texte)

Sari Hanafi and Rigas Arvanitis. “Smoothing the Waters: Science and Research Collaboration between China and the Arab World”. Mojtaba Mahdavi and Tugrul Keskin (Eds.). Rethinking China, the Middle East and Asia in a “Multiplex World”. Brill. Draft version: https://sites.aub.edu.lb/sarihanafi/files/2019/10/2022_China_arab_world_final-draft.pdf


A Cognitive Arab Uprising? Paradigm Shifts in Arab Social sciences”. Armando Salvatore, Sari Hanafi and Kieko Obuse (Eds.).  Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East. Oxford Univ. Press. (2021, online edition; 2021, print edition)

« Vivre avec des camps détruits » : introduction to Revenir à Jenine : une historie vivente du camp de réfugiés 1989-2018. Joss Dray et les habitants du camp.

"العيش مع المخيمات المدمرة". مقدمة كتاب عودة الى جنين: قصة حية لمخيم جنين. 1989-2018. جوس دراي وسكان المخيم.

"Hacia una sociología post-Covid-19".  Alerta global. Políticas, movimientos sociales y futuros en disputa en tiempos de pandemia. Breno Bringel and Geoffrey  Pleyers. (Ed.) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : CLACSO ; Lima : ALAS

Postcolonialism vs post-authoritarianism: The Arab World and Latin America in comparative perspective”. Sari Hanafi and Chin-Chun Yi (Eds) Sociologies in Dialogue. London: Sage.

Introduction”. Sari Hanafi and Chin-Chun Yi (Eds) Sociologies in Dialogue. London: Sage.

"تقديم". في كتاب العربية المحكية في لبنان: ألفاظ وعبارات من حياة الناس تأليف نادر سراج. المركر العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات

"مناهج برامج الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية في لبنان". رضوان السيد، ساري حنفي، بلال الأرفه لي (تحرير) نحو إعادة بناء الدراسات الإسلامية #ِArabic

«Research policy in Arab countries. International cooperation, competitive calls, and career incentives», in R. Arvanitis,  and O'Brien, David (Eds.) The Transformation of Research in the South. Policies and outcomes. #English

“Normativity of Migration Studies: Ethics and Epistemic Community”. Ray Jureidini (Ed.) Migration and Islamic Ethics. Brill. 2018.

“Knowledge Produced but Not Used: Predicaments of Social Research in the Arab World”. in Adnan Badran, Elias Baydoun and John R. Hillman (eds.) Universities in Arab Countries: An Urgent Need for Change: Underpinning the Transition to a Peaceful and Prosperous Future. Springer. Pp. 143-162. 2018. (Link)

Sarah El Jamal and Sari Hanafi*. “Framing Arab Poverty Knowledge Production: A Socio-bibliometric Study”, in Raquel Sosa Elizaga (Ed.) Facing an Unequal World. UK: Sage. Pp. 175-194 (2018 – Link)

“Critical reading of a fragmented society: the situation of the Arab scientific community”. Mouin Hamza and Omar Bizri (Eds.). Innovation or Perish. Arab Scientific Research: Facts, Challenges and Perspective. Xth Arab Cultural Development. Arab Thought Foundation. Pp. 475-486. 2018. (in Arabic)

Arvanitis, R., Hanafi, S., et Gaillard, J. «L’internationalisation de la recherche au Liban: choix ou contrainte?» In Kleiche, M. (dir.). Les ancrages nationaux de la science mondiale XVIIIe-XXIe Siècles. Paris. Political. 391-424. 2018. (in French)

Arvanitis, R., S. Hanafi* Academic (In)Dependency in the Arab World and Latin America: A Comparative Perspective”. Lutfi Sunar (Ed.) Eurocentrism at the Margins: Encounters, Critics and Going Beyond. Routledge. 2016.

“Palestinian Sociological Production: Funding and National Considerations”. S. Hanafi, N. Benghabrat and M. Mustapha (Eds.). The future of the social science in the Arab World. Beirut: Center for the Arab Unity Studies. 2015.

“Complex Entanglements of Public Sociology in the Arab World: un experience”. S. Hanafi, N. Benghabrat and M. Mustapha (Eds.). The future of the social science in the Arab World. Beirut: Center for the Arab Unity Studies. 2015.

“Forward”. Fabienne Le Houérou. Humanitarian Crises and International Relations 1959-2013. Bentham Science. 2014.

ساري حنفي، «إدارة مخيمات اللاجئين في لبنان: حالة الاستثناء والبيوسياسية،» في: محمد علي الخالدي، محرر، تجليات الهوية: الواقع المعاش للاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان (بيروت: مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية والمعهد الفرنسي للشرق الأدنى، 2010) ص: 49-86

حنفي، ساري. 2014. الهجرة القسرية في الوطن العربي : إشكاليات قديمة جديدة. المستقبل العربي،مج. 37، ع. 427، ص ص. 71-87

UNRWA as a “phantom sovereign” Governance practices in Lebanon. in S. Hanafi, Lex Takkenberg and Leila Hilal (Eds.) UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees: From Relief and Works to Human Development. Routledge. 2014.

“Les révolution Arabes. L’émergence d’une nouvelle subjectivité”. Didier Vrancken (Ed.) Penser l’incertain. Presse de l’université Laval. Pp. 311-338. 2014.

“Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa”. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh et al. (Ed) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Oxford University Press.

Hanafi*, Rigas Arvanitis, Justine Baer. “Internationalization of Science in Lebanon – The American University of Beirut – A Case Study”. Michael Kuhn and Kazumi Okamoto (eds.). Spatial Social Thought: Local Knowledge in Global Science Encounters. IBIDEM, Stuttgart. 2013.

“The Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return: Reflection on extraterritorial nation-states in the framework of the Arab Spring”. Center for Forced Migration of Birzeit University (Ed.) The Palestinians between Camps and State. pp. 159-169. 2013. (Arabic)

“Arab Revolutions, Palestine Question and the Arab-Zionist Conflict”. The Arab Revolutions. Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies. 2012.

“Enclaves and Fortressed Archipelago: Violence and Governance in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon”. Are Knudsen & Michael Kerr (Eds.) Lebanon: After the Cedar Revolution. C Hurst & Co Publisher.

In German: a short version of the article “Systematische Gewalt Palästinenser-Lager im Libanon” in the political journal INAMO. Issue 76. Winter 2013. Berlin. Pp. 29-37. 2012.

“Governing the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria. The cases of Nahr el- Bared and Yarmouk camps”. Are Knudsen and S. Hanafi (Eds.) Palestinian Refugees: Identity, Space and Place in the Levant. Routledge. 2010.

“Donor Community and the Market of Research Production: Framing and De-Framing the Social Sciences”. Michael Burawoy et al. (Eds.) Facing an Unequal World: Challenges from Sociology. Vol III. Pp. 3-35. International Association of Sociology.

“Consultancies and NGO-based research in the Arab East: challenges arising from the new donor agendas”. 2010 World Social science Report. UNESCO. (English and French). Pp. 115-116. (Link). 2010.

Hanafi andTaylor Long“الحكم والحاكمية وحالة الاستثناء في مخيّمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان” (Governance, Governmentalities, and the State of Exception in the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon). S. Hanafi (Ed.) State of Exception and Resistance in The Arab World. Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies. Pp. 107-138. (Arabic). 2010.

 “تقديـم: تأطير الفضاء السياسي ـ الاجتماعي العربي حاكمية الدولة والحكم وحركات الاحتجاج اللامؤسساتية” Introduction: Framing Arab socio-political space: state governmentality, governance and non-institutional protestation”]. S. Hanafi (Ed.) State of Exception and Resistance in The Arab World. Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies. Pp. 13-38. (Arabic). 2010.

“Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratory of Indocile Identity Formation”. Mohamed Ali Khalidi (Ed.) The Lived Reality of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. Institute of Palestine Studies. Pp. 45-74.

Early version in (2008) “Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratories of State-in-the-Making, Discipline and Islamist Radicalism”. Ronit Lentin (Ed.) Thinking Palestine. London: Z books, pp. 82-100.

Çuhadar and S. Hanafi “Israel and Palestine: Civil Societies in Despair”. Thania Paffenholz (ed.)Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment. Lynne Rienner Publishers. Pp. 207-234. 2010.

Entry: “Palestinian Diaspora”. Encyclopaedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 3 vols. Lynne Rienner. Apr. 2010. P 4. 2010.

“Palestinian Refugee Camps in the Palestinian Territory: Territory of Exception and Locus of Resistance” in A. Ophir and M. Giovanni and S. Hanafi (Eds.) The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. New York: Zone Books, pp. 495-517.

In Arabic: (2010) in Shu’oun Ijtimaiyya (Journal of Social Affairs). American University in Sharija, No 106 (summer), pp. 49-76. 2009.

Adi Ophir & Michal Givoni and S. Hanafi “Introduction” in A. Ophir and M. Giovanni and S. Hanafi (Eds.) The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. New York: Zone Books, pp. 15-30. 2009.

“Palestinian Sociological Production: Funding and National Considerations”. Sujata Patel (Ed.) International Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions. Sage London. 2009.

“Palestinian Refugee Camps: Disciplinary Space and Territory of Exception” Issam Nassar & Rasha Salti (eds.) I would have Smiled. Photographing the Palestinian Refugee Experience. Institute of Palestinian Studies. Pp. 67-82.

In Arabic : (2010) chapter in Palestinian Refugees Problems : Present and Future. Al-Quds University. Pp. 201-230. 2009.

Réfugiés Palestiniens Citoyenneté et Etat. Vers un Nouveau Modèle de l’Etat-Nation”. Luc Camrézy et al. (Eds.) L’asile au Sud. Paris: La Dispute. Pp. 47-66. 2008.

“Virtual and Real Returns”. S. Hanafi (Ed.) Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Dilemmas. American University in Cairo Press. 2008.
In Arabic: Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies.

Earlier version in: Physical return, Virtual return. Palestinian Communities in Europe and the Homeland’, Abbas Shiblak (ed.) The Palestinian Communities in Europe. Issues of integration. Ramallah: Shaml and Institute for Jerusalem Studies. 2008. (Arabic)

‘Dancing tango during the Peacebuilding: Palestinian- Israeli People to People programs for Conflict Resolution’, Judy Kuriansky (ed) Beyond Bullets & Bombs. Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians. Westport, Connecticut, London: Praeger, pp. 69-80. 2007

Brooks, R. Khamaisi, S. Hanafi, A. Hidmi & Sh. Wa’ary “IPCC Survey of Jerusalemite Perceptions of the Impact of the Wall on Everyday Life”. Robert Brooks (Ed.)The Wall. Fragmenting the Palestinian Fabric in Jerusalem.  Jerusalem: International Peace and Cooperation Center, pp.137-151 2007

“The Sociology of Return: Palestinian Social Capital, Transitional Kinships and the Refugee Repatriation Process” in E. Benvenisti, C. Gans and S. Hanafi (Eds.) Israel and the Palestinian Refugees. USA: Springer, pp. 3-40.

In Arabic: Palestinian Return Migration: Toward New Understanding”. S. Hanafi (Ed.) Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: Palestinian Return Migration. Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. 2008. (Arabic)

Early versions were published: (2005) “The impact of Social Capital on the Eventual Repatriation Process of Refugees. Study of Economic and Social Transnational Kinship Networks in Palestine/Israel”, in Ann Lesch and Ian Lustick (eds.) Exile & Return. Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews. University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 57-84; and (2007) “Social capital, transnational kinship and refugee repatriation process: some elements for a Palestinian sociology of return” Rex Brynen and Roula El-Rifai (Eds.) Palestinian Refugees. Challenges of Repatriation and Development.  London: I.B. Tauris/IDRC, pp. 46-78. 2007.

“Palestinian Refugees, Citizenship and the Nation-State”. Françoise De Bel-Air (Ed.)  Migration et politique au Moyen-Orient. Amman: IFPO, pp. 145-162. (Link)

Earlier version in (2006): “Finding a Just Solution for Palestinian Refugee Problem. Toward an Extra-territorial Nation-States” in Mahdi Abdul Hadi (Ed.) Palestinian-Israel Impasse. Exploring Alternative Solutions to the Palestine-Israel Conflict. Jerusalem: PASSIA. pp. 187-204. 2007

‘Revenir dans les territoires : retournees, zones de souveraineté et crise de l’état-nation’ Nadine Picaudou & Isabel Rivoal. (Eds.) Retours en Palestine. Trajectories, role et expériences des returnees dans la société palestinienne après Oslo. Karthala, pp. 19-45. 2006.

Hanafi and Linda Taber “The ‘Women and Development’ Discourse and Donor Intervention in Palestine”. Ulrika Auga and Christina Von Braun (Eds.)Gender in Conflict. Berlin: LIT VERLAG, pp. 199-234. 2006.

“Palestinian return migration. Lessons from the International Refugee Regime” in Michael Dumper (Ed.) Palestinian Refugee Repatriation. Global Perspective. Routledge. Pp. 273-287. 2006.

“Palestine: the social and political dimension of migration” in Philippe Fargues (Ed.) Mediterranean Migration. 2005 report. Florence: European University Institute. pp.251-261. 2005.

“Opening the Debate of the Right of Return” in by Joel Beinin and Rebecca L. Stein (Eds.) The Struggle for Sovereignty Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. Stanford University Press. 2006.

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“Palestine: the social and political dimension of migration” in Philippe Fargues (Ed.) Mediterranean Migration. 2005 report. Florence: European University Institute. pp.251-261. 2005.

“Diaspora with Fragile Center of Gravity: the Virtual Return of the Palestinian Communities”, in Lisa Anteby-Yemini, William Berthomière and Gabriel Sheffer (Eds.) Les Diasporas. 2000 ans d’Histoire. Rennes (France): Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 225-245. 2005.

(Donor Assistance, Rent-Seeking and Elite Formation.” Inge Amundsen, Mushtaq Husain Khan and George Giacaman (Ed.) State formation in Palestine: viability and governance during a social transformation.  London/N.Y.: Routledge Curzon p. 250. 2004.

‘Rethinking the Palestinian abroad as diaspora. The Relationships between the Diaspora and the Palestinian Territories’, in André Levy and Alex Weingrod Diasporas and Holy Lands and Other Places. Standford University Press. 2004.

” The Palestinian Diaspora during the Intifada. Right of Return and New Form of Mobilization without Radicalization” in Nitza Nachmias & Rami Goldstein (eds.) The politics of forced migration: A conceptual, operational and legal analysis. Baltimore: Publish America. 2004.

Hanafi and L. Tabar. “Humanitarian Movement and Humanizing the Political Conflict: theCase of the Second Intifada”. 2004. (in Arabic)

Hanafi and Linda Taber “The Intifada and the Aid Industry: theImpact of New Liberal Agenda on the Palestinian NGOs” in Yasser Akawi, Gabriel Angelone and Lisa Nessan (Ed.)From Communal Strife to Global Struggle: Justice for the Palestinian People. Jerusalem: AIC. 2004.

“Flexible Transnational Survival Practices of Palestinian Transmigrants/Returnees, and Inflexible State Policies: Crafting the Palestinian Extraterritorialized Nation State” in International Organization for Migration and League of Arab States (Ed.) Arab Migration in a Globalized World. Cairo: International Organization for Migration and League of Arab States pp. 299-253. 2004.

Hanafi and M. Kamel Dorai “Des réfugiés avant leH.C.R: les Palestiniens” in Michelle Guillon, Luc Legoux, Emmanuel Ma MungL’asile politique dans l’immigration. Paris: L’Harmattan. 2003.

‘La diaspora palestinienne à l’heure de l’intifada: Droit de retour et nouvelle forme de mobilisation sans radicalisation’, in Alain Dieckhoff and Remy Leveau (ed.), Israéliens et Palestiniens. La guerre en partageParis : Balland, coll. “Voix et regards.’ 2003.

‘Les ONG palestiniennes et les bailleurs de fonds. Quelques éléments sur la formation d’un agenda’ in Sarah Bennéfissa et Sari Hanafi (ed.) Les associations dans le monde arabe. Pouvoir et politique, Paris: Edition CNRS. 2002.

“Dubaï comme Carrefour du trafic humain. La communauté d’affaires palestinienne dans son insertion économique et sa marginalité sociale ” in Roland Marchal (ed.), Dubai. Cité globale, Paris: CNRS. 2001

“Penser le rapport diaspora, centre. La contribution de la  diaspora palestinienne à l’économie des Territoires”, in Houchan Hassan-Yari (Ed.) Le processus de paix au Moyen-Orient, Paris: Harmattan. 2000.

“The Image of Others, between Arabic and French Agendas”, in Seteney Shamy & Linda Herrera (ed.), Social Science in Egypt: Emerging Voices, Cairo: AUC. 1999.

“Investment by the Palestinian Diaspora in the manufacturing Sectors of the West Bank and Gaza Strip”, in ESCWA (ed.), Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of the Peace Process on Selected Sectors, Amman: USCWA, p. 201-26. 1999.

“Capital désobéissant? Les hommes d’affaires palestiniens de la diaspora et la construction de l’entité palestinienne”, in Riccardo Bocco, Blandine Destremau & Jean Honnoyer (ed.), Palestine, palestiniens. Territoire national, espaces communautaires, (Cahier du CERMOC n 17), Amman: CERMOC. 1997.

Hanafi and Olivier Sanmartin ” BorderStories: Palestinians in Northern Sinai” in Sari Hanafi, Olivier Sanmartin & AbdelQader Yassin (ed.) The Palestinians in Egypt and Northern Sinai, Ramallah: Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center, Shaml (Arabic). (English version in www.shaml.org. 1996.

“Les entrepreneurs palestiniens en Syrie” in Philippe Fargues and Louis Blin (ed.), Economie en Proche-Orient dans une perspective de paix, Paris: Maisonneuve. 1995.

“La formation des ingénieurs en Syrie”, in E. Longuenesse (ed.). Bâtisseurs et Bureaucrates – ingénieurs et société au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, Lyon : Maison de l’Orient. 1990.

س. حنفي و ل. طبر “الحركة الإنسانية و”أنسنة” الصراع السياسي: حالة الانتفاضة الثانية”.  ماذا بعد الانهيار عملية التسوية السلمية. مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية بالتعاون مع مركز البحوث والدراسات السياسية في جامعة القاهرة

مقدمة الطبعة الانجليزية . اللاجئون الفلسطينيون في المشرق العربي: الهوية والفضاء والمكان. المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات. (تحرير آري كنودسن وساري حنفي). 2015

إدارة مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان وسوريا: حالتا مخيمي نهر البارد واليرموك “ اللاجئون الفلسطينيون في المشرق العربي: الهوية والفضاء والمكان. المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات. (تحرير آري كنودسن وساري حنفي). 2015

“قراءة نقدية لمجتمع مُشتّت: في أحوال الجماعة العِلميّة العربيّة”، معين حمزة وعمر البزري (تحرير) الابتكار أو الإندثار.  البحث العلمي العربي: واقعه وتحدياته وآفاقه. التقرير العاشر العربيّ للتنمية الثقافيّة. مؤسسة الفكر العربيّ. ص 475- 486.  الرابط

سارة الجمل وساري حنفي.* “تأطير إنتاج المعرفة حول الفقر في العالم العربي: دراسةٌ إجتماعيّةٌ وببليومتريّةٌ”. مسائلة اللامساواة والفوارق الاجتماعية في العلم العربي. المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية.  ص 61-81. 2017. الرابط