Current Clinical Trials

Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary cancer research


 To inquire about ongoing gastrointestinal and genitourinary cancer clinical trials, please reach the clinical research team on 01-350000 Ext: 5110,  7804 or 7803

 Ongoing gastrointestinal and genitourinary cancer clinical research projects: 

PI: Ali Shamseddine

  • Short-course radiation followed by mFOLFOX-6 plus Avelumab for locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma BIO-2017-0420


  • Multi-Center, Observational, Retrospective Study of Prostate Cancer in Real Practice within Middle Eastern and North African Countries: Patients’ Characterization, Disease Prognosis and Treatment Patterns in Prostate Cancer in Real Practice in the Middle East and North Africa (PROCARE)


  • A pilot study of Nivolumab with stereotactic ablative radiation therapy after induction chemotherapy in cholangiocarcinoma


  • Multicentre Cross-sectional Study to Assess the Frequency of FGFR alterations in patients with Urothelial Carcinoma in the Middle East, North Africa, and Russia