World Cancer Day: Lighting ceremony of the ACC building for the international “I am and I Will” Campaign. In an effort to join the global Union for International Cancer Control action against cancer, the Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute held a lighting ceremony for the AUBMC-Daniel ACC building with blue and orange. The event included a cancer prevention exhibition at the Daniel ACC multipurpose room with interactive learning booths from the CPCP, the Palliative and Supportive Care Program, Amalouna, Revive, Ties, and The Lebanese breast Cancer Foundation. A Wall of Wisdom featured in the exhibition where the audience could write inspirational message to share thoughts and show support.


  • This event highlighted a major mission of NKBCI: raising awareness on cancer prevention means and promoting early detection to improve chances of recovery. It also promoted the importance of accompanying patients with solid supportive care which NKBCI provides during the recovery journey through the Palliative and Supportive Care Program.
  • A research survey was also conducted in Arabic and English during February to assess attitudes and knowledge regarding cancer prevention in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences at AUB.
  • Television and Media appearances: World Cancer Day TL appearance
  • January 17: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Social Media campaign on AUBMC channels: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease.