Yemen Fact Sheet

Official Country Name: Republic of Yemen
Capital: Sana’a
Population Size: 30,490,639
Population is calculated using the de facto definition, which includes all inhabitants irrespective of citizenship or legal status.
- % of Female population: The proportion of women in the population is referred to as the female population. 49.6%
- Unemployment rate for women: The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed yet looking for work is referred to as unemployment. 26.30%
Number of women ministers
The percentage of women in ministerial or comparable posts (including deputy prime ministers) in the government is known as the women in ministerial level positions.
Number of women in parliament (Seats)
% of women in parliament
Women in parliaments refers to the proportion of female-held legislative seats in a single or lower chamber.
Quota for women representation
% of Women who have Completed Secondary Education
% of Women in labor force
Life expectancy of women
- Financial Inclusion
- Cell Phone Use
- Parliamentary Representation
- Local Representation – Municipal/Regional
- Rate of Child Marriage
- Average Age for Marriage
Financial inclusion refers to a person having access to and using basic, formal financial services and products, such as a bank account, credit, insurance, savings products, and payment systems, that are readily available to everyone and actively utilized by individuals on a daily basis.
Year | Value |
2021 | 1.70% |
Year | Value |
2021 | 53.5% (^m) |
Year | Value |
2021 | 1% |
Year | Value |
2006 | 1.70% |
Any legal or unofficial relationship between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child is referred to as a child marriage.
Year | Value |
2017 | 32% (before 18) and 9% (before 15) |
The average age of a person at their first marriage is referred to as the mean age at first marriage.
Year | Value |
2017 | 18.2 |
- Absence of Legal Discrimination
- Son Bias
- Discriminatory Norms
- Right to Divorce (Yes/No)
- Conditions of Divorce (if allowed)
Year | Value |
2021 | 26.9% |
The sex ratio at birth is the proportion of males born alive for every 100 girls.
Year | Value |
2021 | 1.05 |
Discriminatory norms are used to define how women are treated unjustly in the workplace and when it comes to economic chance.
Year | Value |
2021 | 53% |
It is the procedure or occurrence of formally ending a marriage.
Value: Yes
If her husband has tuberculosis, leprosy or impotence (Gabriel Sawma, 2011) or if the husband has caused her harm. “Harm” includes the husband’s mental sickness, alcoholism, his inability to provide for his family financially, his absence of the country for more than a year or his imprisonment for more than three years. Women can seek out a “khul” divorce also called a “non-fault divorce” (Personal Status Law, Article 72). It is a type of divorce allowing them to end their marriage with the consent of their husbands. However, in this specific case, they have to pay back their dowry and forego claims to the temporary financial support provided to women in other divorce cases.
Intimate partner violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is defined as abuse or aggressiveness in a romantic relationship.
Community safety
Community safety
% of women (15 years and older) who feel safe walking alone
GBV at home (physical assault)
Gender-based violence (GBV) is when a person is abused or adversely impacted by violence because of their gender.
GBV in war
% or number of women who suffered of GBV during wartime
- Organized Violence
- Number of Women Refugees and IDPs
- NAP available (Yes.No)
- Number of National Institutions Involved in NAP
- GBV at home - % of women suffering from domestic abuse at home
Organized violence is collective aggressive behavior that was organized unofficially and not sanctioned by the government.
Year | Value |
2021 | 10.9% |
Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country. While IDPs (internally displaced people) have not traveled across borders in search of protection. They are fugitives at home, as opposed to refugees. They frequently relocate to places where it is challenging to provide humanitarian aid, making these individuals some of the most vulnerable in the world.
Year | Value |
2021 | 77% |
National Action Plans for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 are documents that explain a government’s strategy and plan of action for implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda locally. These papers describe the goals and actions that nations adopt, both domestically and internationally, to protect women’s and girls’ human rights in crisis situations, to stop violence, especially violence against women and girls, and to ensure that women have a significant role to play in maintaining peace and security.
Value: Yes
Gender-based violence (GBV) is when a person is abused or adversely impacted by violence because of their gender.
46% physical assault, 22% psychological abuse, 17% denial of resources, 11% child marriage, 3% sexual abuse, and 1% rape.
Number of women in the armed forces
Armed forces are a component of a country’s integrated military services
Number of women in police force
An organization of trained police officers tasked by a government with maintaining public order, enforcing the law, and preventing and detecting crime
Percentage of women in prison population
# of female casualties as a result of conflict
Both military and civilian fatalities that occur under “battle-related deaths” (armed combat between contending parties) are recorded
Number of Women Shelters
A shelter is a type of specialized service that offers safe housing and assistance to women who have been the victims of abuse, as well as to their children.