Wassim El Hajj

Associate Dean
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)
American University of Beirut (AUB)

  • Department & University:
    • Elected to serve as the Computer Science Department Chair at AUB starting Sep. 2013-ongoing.
    • Elected as a member of the AUB Senate, September 2017-ongoing.
    • Elected as a member of the AUB Senate Committee for Faculty Affairs (SCFA), Sep. 2017-ongoing.
    • Chair of the department’s assessment committee, September 2013-ongoing.
    • Member in the AUB-wide academic assessment committee. 2017-2018.
    • Main organizer of the 2017 ArabWIC 5th Annual International conference on Arab Women in Computing, Aug. 2017.TV Interview
    • Main organizer of the National VEX Robotics Contest. March 2016.
    • Initiated a corporate sponsorship program between the Computer Science department at AUB and local companies. 2016
    • Main organizer of a three-days workshop on “Computer Modeling and Simulation” held at AUB in January 2016
    • Main organizer of a three-days workshop on “Enterprise Architecture” held at AUB in January 2016
    • Main organizer of a three-days workshop on “Project Management” held at AUB in August 2016
    • Main organizer of a seminar series entitled “The Practical Challenges of Managing Big Data in the Cloud” held at AUB in November 2016
    • Main Organizer of the 5th and 6th ACM Lebanese Collegiate Programming Contest; LCPC 2013 (Oct. 25-26, 2013) and LCPC 2014 (Sept. 26-27, 2014)
    • Main Organizer of the Computer Science for High School workshops (CS Blossoms) conducted in AUB on December 1 and 8, 2012 and the contest that followed the workshops on May 14, 2013.
    • Member of the Computer Science Department Self-Study Committee at AUB
    • Chair of the Book Adoption Committee at the Computer Science Department at AUB
    • Freshman and Computer Science student advisor at AUB
    • Member of the University General Education Committee at AUB
    • Member of AUB & AUBMC Network Redesign Project
    • Member of the Undergraduate and Academic Committee at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at AUB
    • Member of various committees at the college of IT, UAE Universities including: Outreach Committee, Honor Committee, and Student Link Committee.

  • Community Service

    • Coordinator and curriculum developer for the Tech for Food program funded by World Food Programme that aims to teach Syrian refugees and underserved Lebanese digital skills 2016-ongoing.
    • Design and development of Future Developer Summer Program for students with ages ranging from 10 to 17 years (2016, 2017, and 2018) – conducted with REP-AUB.
    • Curriculum development for the Faculty of Information & Communication Technology at MUDUN University (2016) – conducted with REP-AUB.
    • Design and development of Certification Programs for Building Modern Business Applications (2015) – conducted with REP-AUB.
    • Assessment of the Computer Science department and the Humanities and Social Science electives at Rafic Hariri University, Lebanon (2014) – conducted with REP-AUB.
    • Computer Science curriculum development for the American University of Abu Dhabi, UAE (2013) – conducted with REP-AUB.
    • Main Organizer of the Computer Science for High School (CS4HS) workshops conducted in AUB. 2012

  • Tutorial presenter at the 9th international Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference – IWCMC 2013

  • Conference Organization:
    1. General Chair of the 4th Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (WANLP 2019), a highly respected research venue for work related to Arabic NLP. 2018-19
    2. Program Chair of The Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP 2017) co-located with EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain. https://sites.google.com/a/nyu.edu/wanlp2017/
    3. Co-Chair of the Wireless Sensor Networks Technical Track in the fourth International Conference on Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC 2013).
    4. Publication Chair in the 3rd International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT 2013), Beirut, Lebanon 19-21 June, 2013
    5. Publication Chair in the third International Conference on Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC 2012)
    6. Co-chair of a workshop entitled “High Performance and Energy-Aware Solutions with Data Mining and Wireless/Mobile Applications” in conjunction with the 7th international Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011)
    7. Co-Chair of the Computing Systems track in the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations’09).
    8. WEB & IT Chair in the fourth International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations’07).

  • Technical Program Committee (TPC) member and Reviewer for IEEE
    Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine,
    International Journal of Vehicular Technology, IEEE Wireless Communication,
    Security and Communication Networks Journal, Information Sciences, Wireless
    Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Journal of Computer Systems, Networks,
    and Communications, IEEE INFOCOM, ICC – International Communications Conference,
    IEEE Globecom, IEEE WirelessCOM, WANLP, IWCMC, ICCIT, SIECP, IEEE Canadian
    Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Optical Networking and wireless
    communication symposium.

  • President of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) at Western Michigan University (WMU): the International Honor Society for the Computing Sciences

  • IEEE Senior Member
  • ACM Senior Member