Conference Proceedings:

  • Bekdache D. and Amatoury J. “How does surgical hyoid bone repositioning influence tracheal displacement outcomes on the upper airway? A finite element modeling study.” American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 209:A2667, San Diego, USA, 2024
  • Bekdache D, Tibni F, Amatoury J. “Investigating the effects of tracheal displacement and hyoid repositioning on upper airway patency using computational modeling.”, World Sleep (accepted) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2023.
  • Tannous, H., et al. “Combined effects of mandibular advancement and surgical hyoid bone repositioning on upper airway collapsibility. ” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine (A2077), San Franciso, USA, 2022
  • Salman, D. and Amatoury, J. “Role of Hyoid Bone position in upper airway patency and tissue mechanics: A computational finite element modeling approach” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine (A2078), San Franciso, 2022

  • Salman, D. and Amatoury, J. “A finite element model study on the influence of hyoid bone baseline position (phenotype) and hyoid surgical repositioning on upper airway outcomes” , Journal Of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022

  • Samaha, C., et al. “The influence of surgical hyoid bone repositioning on upper airway collapsibility” , European Respiratory Journal(PA755), 2021

  • Ayoub, Y., et al. “Diagnostic Superficial Vein Scanner” , 2018 International Conference on Computer and Applications, ICCA 2018(321-325), 2018

  • Tong, B., et al. “Combined CPAP and oral appliance (OA) therapy reduces CPAP requirements and pharyngeal pressure (Pepi) swings in OSA” , European Respiratory Journal (PA4346), 2018

  • Tong, B., et al. “Postural effects on nasal resistance in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and efficacy of a novel oral” , European Respiratory Journal (PA4339), 2018

  • Mekonnen, T., et al. “Multi-channel Optical Coherence Tomography (MC-OCT): A Daisy-Chained Sensing Approach” , Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC) (99-100), 2018

  • Tong, B., et al. “The effects of posture and mandibular advancement on nasal resistance and obstructive sleep apnea treatment outcome with a novel oral appliance therapy device. ” , Sleep Medicine(e87), 2017

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “The role of a novel oral appliance therapy device on pharyngeal pressure swings and CPAP requirements during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea: A pilot study.” , Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine(83), 2017

  • Hanna, N.N.N., et al. “How long is a vocal tract? Comparison of acoustic impedance spectrometry with magnetic resonance imaging” , Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2017

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “A new approach to quantifying arousal intensity: Relationships between physiological characteristics and body mass” , Sleep Biol Rhythms(A127), 2015

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “New insights into the mechanisms of respiratory load-induced arousal: Role of breath timing and respiratory load compensation” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A171), 2015

  • Kairaitis, K., et al. “Decreasing the surface tension of the upper airway lining liquid (STUAL) during wakefulness unfolds the pharyngeal surface mucosa in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine(A3907), 2014

  • Lambeth, C., et al. “Upper airway mucosal surface topography in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients shows increased principal curvatures when compared with healthy subjects” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A84), 2013

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Interactive effects of mandibular advancement and caudal tracheal displacement: A computational finite element model of the rabbit upper airway” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine(A5465), 2013

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Effects of mandibular advancement on upper airway lumen size are modulated by the level of caudal tracheal displacement: Studies in an anaesthetised rabbit model” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine(A5464), 2013

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Quantification of snoring-associated neck tissue vibrations using a tri-axial accelerometer” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A84), 2013

  • Kairaitis, K., et al. “Is there a threshold lung volume for maintenance of upper airway patency? Studies in an anaesthetized animal model” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine(A5363), 2012

  • Kairaitis, K., et al. “Subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea have a reduced number of velopharyngeal folds compared with healthy subjects” , Journal Of Sleep Research(20), 2012

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “A 2-dimensional computational finite element model of the upper airway and peri-pharyngeal tissues of the rabbit” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A26-27), 2010

  • Lee, S., et al. “Identifying sounds in the night: perceptions of snoring” , Respirology(A87), 2009

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Peri-pharyngeal tissue movement with tracheal traction ” , Respirology(A85), 2009

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Modelling the passive pharynx: effects of strain and tissue pressure on upper airway patency” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A84), 2007

  • Narayan, J., et al. “Effect of graded simulated snoring on spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity” , Sleep And Biological Rhythms(A135-136), 2007

  • Kairaitis, K., et al. “Lung volume, tracheal displacement and tissue pressure interactions: relationship to upper airway patency” , American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine(A754), 2007

  • Perri, R., et al. “Mandibular advancement increases the size of the retro-mandibular space in healthy subjects” , Respirology(A73), 2006

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Snoring associated vibration energy in tissues surrounding the upper airway. A rabbit model” , Respirology(A94), 2005

  • Amatoury, J., et al. “Snoring energy transmission to the carotid artery in rabbits” , International Medical Journal(A21), 2005