Learn about Sustainability
Sustainability is the grand challenge of our time especially with the UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) 2030 Agenda. The demand for balancing diverse stakeholder groups, complying with changing policies and regulations, optimizing economic outcomes, and improving environmental performance has been a considerable challenge for most businesses.
Through this page, you can enhance your understanding of sustainability and its practical applications. We periodically provide explanations of the main concepts of sustainability and eco-effective design.
The design for eco-effectiveness is an alternative production concept to eco-efficiency. It is a concept that designs for positive emissions rather than reducing emissions towards zero. Corporations, designers, economists all over the world are shifting towards a circular economy model based on eco-effectiveness. With all the uncertainties around us, circular eco-effective designs allow systems, institutions, corporations, products, etc. to become more resilient and self-sufficient, while providing a healthier environment.
Keep following this page to know more about this design concept!
We also share, in this page, selected outcomes and students’ contributions from CHEN 619: Engineering Sustainability. CHEN 619 is an elective course provided at the Department of chemical engineering and advanced energy, MSFEA, AUB. It is open to all Engineering students and is taught by Dr. Alissar Yehya, the founder of SEnLi.