VLSI for embedded systems with applications to signal processing and wireless communications
    • Algorithms: Algorithmic optimizations for space-time complexity
      • Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) OFDM, Massive MIMO
      • Channel estimation
      • Beamforming
      • MIMO Detection: Optimal and sub-optimal algorithms
      • Iterative turbo, LDPC and Raptor decoding; hybrid-ARQ
      • Interpolation
      • Mixed-radix Fourier transforms
    • Architectures: System and block-level architectural optimizations
    • Implementations:
      • ASIP, DSP, FPGA prototyping
      • ASIC chip implementation
      • Multi-standard compliant baseband processor ASIC cores
    • Applications: Physical layer baseband receiver design and implementation for
      • Wireless cellular networks: W-CDMA, CDMA2000, 1xEV-DO, HSPA, 3GPP2-UMB, LTE
      • Wireless metropolitan area networks: IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX)
      • Wireless local area networks: IEEE 802.11n/ac (WiFi), IEEE 802.11ad (WiGig)
      • Peer-to-Peer wireless ad-hoc networks
Error correcting codes
    • Architecture-aware code design
    • High-speed bit-error rate simulation platforms
    • Codec algorithms and architectures: design and optimizations
    • Multi-standard compliant codec cores
    • Applications:
      • Turbo codes
      • Turbo-like (repeat-accumulate) codes
      • LDPC codes
      • Fountain codes
MIMO Detection
    • Linear, MMSE, successive interference cancelation, and sphere MIMO ML detectors
    • Soft-input, soft-output MIMO detection
    • Multi-user MIMO detection and interference cancelation
    • Channel preprocessing for optimal detection
Integrated circuits (IC) chip implementation for signal processing and wireless applications.
    • Software-programmable, hardware-configurable IP blocks
Applied mathematics including group theory, ring theory, and matrix theory to communications problems.