Since October 1, 2003, funded projects have totaled USD 987,416 with USD 871,176 from external and USD 116,249  from internal sources. Project funding that has gone directly to my research group totals USD 337,049 since promotion to Professor. Amount of funding needed by a faculty member to support a full-time graduate student on a research assistantship for one year is USD 18,000 because the faculty of engineering waives tuition. Faculty positions at AUB are on 9-month contracts. Below is a summary of the grants I was awarded:

Quantization-resilient precoding, detection, and channel estimation for massive MIMO with low- resolution data converters

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2019–2020

Amount: USD 9,300

Quantization-resilient precoding, detection, and channel estimation for massive MIMO with low- resolution data converters

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2018–2019

Amount: USD 11,300

Interlaced column-row message-passing decoding of LDPC Codes: algorithms and architectures

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2016–2018

Amount: USD 19,700

Fetal distress using recurrence quantification analysis

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with another faculty member)

Funding Agency: Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (LNCSR)

Period: 2015–2016

Amount: LBP 12m

Intelligent device-to-device communications: supporting algorithms and protocols

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with another faculty member)

Funding Source: TELUS Communications Company, Canada

Period: 2014–2016

Amount: USD 72,000

Reduced-complexity near-optimal soft-input soft-output detectors for 4- and 8-layer MIMO systems

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2015–2016

Amount: USD 6,400

Architecture optimizations and VLSI implementation of  a 4x 4 64-QAM soft-output MIMO sphere detector

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2014–2015

Amount: USD 6,500

A simulation platform for power-aware workload allocation and efficient cooling mechanisms in data centers

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with other faculty members)

Funding Source: Intel

Period: 2013–2014

Amount: USD 100,000

Parallel algorithms for pruned 2D interleavers for high-speed communication transceivers

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2012–2013

Amount: USD 7,000

Design methodologies of power aware software and hardware architectures for parallel platforms

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with other faculty members)

Funding Source: Intel

Period: 2012–2013

Amount: USD 230,000

A novel data retention voltage scheme for SRAM arrays

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (LNCSR)

Period: 2011–2012

Amount: USD 5,000

The design and testing of a maximum power point controller for a large PV generator under nonuniform irradiance

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with other faculty members)

Funding Source: Masri Institute of Energy and Natural Resources

Period: 2011–2013

Amount: USD 14,000

Design methodologies of power aware software and hardware architectures for parallel platforms

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with other faculty members)

Funding Source: Intel

Period: 2011–2012

Amount: USD 230,000

Parallel Pruned permuters for high-speed communication receivers

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2010–2011

Amount: USD 8,700

Design methodologies of power aware software and hardware architectures for parallel platforms

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with other faculty members)

Funding Source: Intel

Period: 2010–2011

Amount: USD 190,000

On parallelizing sequentially-pruned interleavers

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2009–2010

Amount: USD 8,549

LDPC codec design for ultra mobile broadband (UMB) standard

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2008–2009

Amount: USD 5,500

Raptor Codes: hardware-oriented code construction and decoder design

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2007–2008

Amount: USD 6,500

Design and implementation of a low-power voltage controlled oscillator for UWB radio systems

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with another faculty member)

Funding Agency: Rahmann Foundation

Period: 2006–2007

Amount: USD 10,000

Hardware-based simulation platform for sparse parity-check matrix codes

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Source: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2006–2007

Amount: USD 5,800

A universal wireless data modem

Principal Investigators: Mohammad M. Mansour (joint work with another faculty member)

Funding Agency: Rahmann Foundation

Period: 2005–2006

Amount: USD 6,500

Funding Agency: National Instruments, Austin, Texas USA

Amount: USD 32,000 grant in the form of research equipment and design toolkits.

Decoding algorithms and architectures for repeat-accumulate codes

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Agency: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2005–2006

Amount: USD 6,500

High-performance decoder architectures for repeat-accumulate codes

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Agency: Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (LNCSR)

Period: 2004–2006

Amount: USD 4,167

Decoder architectures for repeat-accumulate codes

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Agency: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2004–2005

Amount: USD 6,000

High performance decoder architectures for turbo-like codes

Principal Investigator: Mohammad M. Mansour

Funding Agency: University Research Board, AUB

Period: 2003–2004

Amount: USD 5,000