• 20 years experience in research, design, and development of VLSI signal processing and communication (SPCOMM) systems with applications in wireless/cellular communications standards (WCDMA, IEEE 802.11n/ac, LTE)
  • An extensive and highly cited research record of 130 publications in design and implementation of SPCOMM systems
  • Inventor of seven issued US Patents related to wireless communications and signal processing
  • Innate ability to evolve research concepts from algorithm to chip (SoC) implementation
  • Proven record in developing innovative techniques for baseband receiver implementations for wireless communications
  • Adept at problem definition with strong analytical skills
  • High aptitude in error correcting codes/decoders (LDPC, turbo, raptor, RS, BCH, RM, Viterbi)
  • Inventor of several decoding algorithms and schemes related to LDPC and turbo codes
  • Proficiency in MIMO signal processing and baseband receiver design
  • Expertise in OFDM physical layer design
  • Highly personable with a talent for public speaking and a zeal for maximizing productivity
  • Proven ability to lead and supervise international teams, and manage communication/signal processing chip projects
  • Team oriented with excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • An extensive record in teaching courses in VLSI/SoC, computer architecture, signal processing and digital design
  • Invited speaker at international conferences and workshops
  • Active member in various IEEE societies, committees, editorial boards, and in organizing conferences/workshops