Published and Produced

Spring 2023

Le Barrage


Screenplay by Ali Cherri (BFA Graphic Design’ 00), Geoffroy Grison, in collaboration with Bertrand Bonello

Set in Sudan, near the Merowe dam, Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to build a mysterious construction made of mud. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his creation starts to take a life of its own.

Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Short Film

Written by Zeina Hashem Beck (BA ’02, MA ’05)

This short film by George Azar explores the lives of five Lebanese women in the years 2019-2020 as they navigate crisis after crisis. These women risk it all in their struggle for equality.

Azar is AUB’s photojournalist- in-residence and a faculty member in the Media Studies Program.

Watch the full film here.

Other works:


Chaos That Never Ends
Written by Gladys Mouro (BS Nursing ’76)

Khotoot wa Alwan [Lines and Colours]
Written by Raghid Nahhas (BS ’73 MS ’76)

My Artist Life: A Path of Creativity
Written by Muriel Angelil (BS ’55)

The Dolphin’s Dance: Discover Your True Self through a Powerful 5-Step Journey into Conscious Awareness
Written by Micheline Nader (BS ’76 MS ’78)

Peace: Spiritual Insights from Mystical Sites to Promote Peace
Written by Mary Clement (JYA ’63–’64)

Medical Cannabis and the Effects of Cannabinoids on Fighting Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
Written by Rana R. Zeine (BS ’83 MD ’87) and Brian W. Teasdale