Uplifting Our Look

Fall 2022

“It is fitting that we open this academic year with an updated look, a fresh take on our historic identity. The distinctive new logo, baked in Berytus Red, reaffirms our identity as one of the oldest, most prestigious, and mission-oriented universities, firmly rooted in Beirut but with an increasingly robust global presence. It is also about new beginnings, refreshing and remaining relevant to new audiences and younger generations.”

– President Fadlo R. Khuri (President’s Perspective, September 15, 2022)

Order of slideshow as follows:

  1. 1866
  2. 1869
  3. 1873
  4. 1913
  5. 1921
  6. 1924
  7. 1924
  8. 1932
  9. 1970
  10. 1973
  11. 1990
  12. 1914
  13. 1920
  14. 1920
  15. 1920
  16. 1950
  17. 1959
  18. 1961
  19. 1966
  20. 1993
  21. 2001
  22. 2011
  23. 2022