Welcome to the Lebanon Study on Aging and HeAlth Website!

On behalf of the LSAHA team, we extend a warm welcome to our website! LSAHA (the Lebanon Study on Aging and HeAlth) is grateful for your decision to participate in this important study. The purpose of LSAHA is to further our understanding of how adults in Lebanon age, how they can live a healthy life in older age and which types of health risks and challenges they may face. Through your participation, you are providing valuable new data on the health and well-being of Lebanon’s older population that will be critical in shaping the future of healthy aging in Lebanon.


completed the interview

had their physical measures taken (weight, height, blood pressure, etc.)

participated in the blood draw

For Participants

You can find all you need about our study and our team here, as well as different resources to help re-shape aging and make it a smooth and successful experience.​​​

For Researchers

LSAHA is part of the growing worldwide network of harmonized studies modeled after the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). It’s a representative, longitudinal study that collects information on cognition and other health, economic and social domains relevant to understanding the challenges of population aging in Lebanon.

In the Media

Navigating the Fog: Feature on MainGate

July 17, 2024

Conversation on Alzheimer's Disease with Dr Monique Chaaya on Ahla Sabah

September 22, 2023

Feature in Annahar Online: Two new studies to uncover the truth about the spread of dementia in Lebanon

September 20, 2023

Feature in Independent Arabia: High and Alarming Rates of Alzheimer's in Lebanon

September 20, 2023

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