Student-Centric Projects

Student Self-services in
Banner Student Information system (SIS)

Self-service “PIN reset” activation

Self-service “Address” Update

Self-service “Transcript” Request


Empowering students through student self-services

Revitalizing functions and validating new features in Banner Ellucian Student Information System (SIS). E.g. “Mutual Course Exclusion”, “Self-service Address Update”

Testing new SIS Banner releases and updating informational text messages on AUBsis

Strengthening academic services by monitoring the usage of new introduced adviser’s feature

On-line Student registration in Banner Ellucian

Increasing the flexibility of on-line student registration process

AUBnet account activation process

Automatic reservation of seats


  • Improving on-line registration by providing “projected seat enrollments” on high demand service courses.
  • Monitoring the web usage of AUBsis, providing in-depth analysis of “Registration” messages and reducing “closed sections” failure messages
  • Streamlined New Student “On-line registration” by enabling the automatic reservation of seats
  • Contingency Plan for new students on-line registration
  • Streamlined the process of activation net DB, email account and  SIS account
Business Services

Mass assignment of advisers

New student communication plan

On-line petition systems

Digital Transformation


Conducted business analysis for transversal academic projects E.g. RFI/RFP/bid analysis

Improved processes like mass assignment of advisers, new student communication plan, change request in Banner course catalogue, etc…

Consolidating career services and on-line petition systems