BI / Data Analysis Projects

Reorting / Dashboards / data visualisation

Conducting  complex statistical analyses of data and preparing  analytical reports and institutional dashboards using KPIs


  • Longitudinal study of instructional cost and productivity using indicators like average cost of a student per year and summary NTR – tracking of trend data over time
  • Development of reproducible programs that can be run in minutes
  • Development of complex SQL queries to generate real-time indicators like “On-time Graduates”, ”Free_Time_Slots, etc.
  • Retrievment of courses with top 10% of high DFW (Drop, Failure and Withdraw) rate to determine appropriate class section size
  • Development of miscellaneous ad-hoc, analytical and Statistical reporting
  • Automation of annual, enrollment and performance reports.
  • Development of static Dashboard on SharePoint
  • Data visualization on enrollment and student performance using charts that are based on new technologies like Statistica and SPSS
  • Medical Students Individual Applicant Report with a list of courses, grades, major GPA, GPA core Average, “Major_AVG_GPA”, Z score and standardized (z) Major_AVG, etc.
Measurements of utilization

Scheduling indicators

Providing an analytical measurement tool at  no cost, avoiding the need for a space management software solution


  • Monitoring the efficient use of classrooms, providing insights and trends from timetabled charts, highlighting areas of under-use and alert on space deficit.
  • Evaluation of current performance of timetables and the reasons for it, track changes over time,
  • Providing scheduling information and promoting awareness and good practice by maintaining “Classroom Utilization” indicators with useful information on enrollment dashboards, headcounts, CRN counts / instructional Hours per Week (HPW) on high demand service courses, classrooms capacities, etc…
  • Assessing course scheduling and timetabling processes by monitoring “space usage” KPIs to alert on space deficit through a semester based report
  • Promoting best practices scheduling procedures to scheduling resources including a canned query to self-generate their “audit reports” concerning missing or quality data
  • Managing academic space by setting up scheduling policies abided at a university wide level
  • Developing “course section restrictions” canned query for auditing and verification purposes