Research interests:

            My present research is multifaceted. The central theme of my work is to develop culture technology for the rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. This is a local Lebanese teleost species with rapidly growing market demand in the Middle-East and in the Indo Pacific region. I am working on determining optimal environmental requirements such as salinity, temperature, culture density, ammonia and nitrite tolerances, diseases and tolerances, hematology, stress response etc. in order to develop an aquaculture protocol for the fish. I am also working on developing a diet for S. rivulatus. Rabbitfish are herbivorous fish and thus we might be able to feed them a diet without fishmeal to improve long-term sustainability of the industry. Another research program in my lab is the determination of seasonal effects on nutritional value of the rabbitfish for human consumption. We have several publications with regards to nutritional value of herbivores compared to carnivores and how that affects dialysis patients. A new line of research we are developing is in fish hematology and stress response. We optimized techniques for measuring various hematological parameters in rabbitfish and presently several of my graduate students are working on various facets of this theme, mostly studying the effects of various environments on hematology and immune response.  I expect to be working on this fish for years to come, refining culture techniques and processing technology. Our lab at AUB is without doubt one of the premier labs in the world with regards to siganid aquaculture research although I know that various countries are starting to invest heavily in this genus. I hope to try to collaborate with these labs to help siganid aquaculture reach its potential.

Recently I have diversified into water conservation using aquaculture to improve water productivity. I am also working on optimizing rooftop garden production using alternative sources of water. I am collaborating with other professors at AUB and in the USA to develop integrated pest management practices with the hope of being able to start rearing aquatic organisms with greenhouse crops. Finally, I am working with professor Youssef Abu Jawdah of phytoplankton culture for nutraceuticals and biofuels.



Imad Saoud, Youssef Abu Jawdeh and Mustafa Haidar (2020; year 3). More Crop per Drop for Lebanon: Using restaurant waste to feed fish in an aquaculture, agriculture, and IPM vegetable greenhouse management scheme. The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation. $30,000

Yasser Abunnassr, Imad Saoud and Nadim Farajalla (2020). Nature Based Solutions for Domestic Water Reuse in Mediterranean Countries, NAWAMED – A_B.4.1_0290. European Union. $699,597.

Imad Saoud, Mohammad Abiad, Ali Chalak, Mustafa Haidar, and Issam Srour (2019-2020). Improving Water and Energy Use and Recycling Food Waste for Better Production of Healthy Food. WEFRAH $65,000

Imad Saoud, Youssef Abu Jawdeh and Mustafa Haidar (2019; year 2). More Crop per Drop for Lebanon: Combining Aquaculture and Greenhouse Vegetables for Food Security. The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation. $31,000

Imad Saoud Assessing the Potential of Using Restaurant Waste as Fish Feed (2017 – 2018). URB

Imad Saoud and Youssef Abu Jawdeh (2016). More Crop per Drop for Lebanon: Combining Aquaculture and Greenhouse Vegetables for Food Security. The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation. $65,400

Imad Saoud (2016). Toxicity of Four Chemotherapeutic Agents to Marbled Rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. URB

Imad Saoud (2015). Assessing standard metabolic rate and effects of hypoxia and salinity on respirometry of rabbitfish, Siganus rivulatus. URB.

Bruce Parker, Youssef Abu Jawdeh, Margaret Skinner and Imad Saoud (2014). Sustainable Biological Control Strategies for Growers of Greenhouse Vegetables in Lebanon. The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation. $46,723

Imad Saoud. (2014-2015). Investigations of Diseases, Stress Responses, Hematological Indicators and Growth of Rabbitfish Siganus Rivulatus in order to Develop Appropriate Aquaculture Protocols. Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. LL 24,560,000

Imad Saoud. (2014). Pathogenicity of Five Potentially Virulent Piscine Bacteria on Siganus rivulatus. University research board.

Imad Saoud. (2012). Anesthetic Efficacy of Clove Oil, Benzocaine, 2-Phenoxyethanol, and Triciane Methanesulfonate on Marbled spinefoot (Siganus rivulatus). URB

Imad Saoud. (2011). Dietary requirements, nutrient replacement and hematological indicators of nutritional status in rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus in order to develop a species specific diet. Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. (2 years).

Imad Saoud. (2011) Developing Methodology and Assessing Hematological, Biochemical and Immunological Parameters in Marbled Spinefoot (Siganus rivulatus). URB

Imad Saoud. (2010) Effects of acute and chronic nitrite exposure on marbled spinefoot (Siganus rivulatus). URB

Imad Saoud. Osmoregulation and Sodium-Potassium-ATPase activity in gill tissue of fish reared in various ratios of aqueous Na+/K+. (2009). University Research Board.

Imad Saoud.  Evaluating dietary requirements and fishmeal protein replacement in rabbitfish diets in order to develop a regional marine aquaculture industry. (2008; 2 years) Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research.

Imad Saoud. URB. Determining protein requirements in the diet of spinefoot rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus). 2008

Nadim Farajalla and Imad Saoud. University Research Board. Development of a Recirculating Aquaculture System for Producing Tilapia Fry in the Bekaa: Feasibility and Economic Cost. 2008

Nadim Farajalla and Imad Saoud. University Research Board. Improving Water Productivity in Lebanon – Aquaculture and Irrigation: A Case Study of Tilapia and Radish Production. 2007

Imad Saoud. URB. Ammonia toxicity, 96 hr LC50, and effects of chronic exposure on Siganus rivulatus. 2007.

Nadim Farajalla and Imad Saoud. IUCN.  Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring in Palm Island Nature Reserve. 2007

Imad Saoud. URB. Population density and size separation of siganid juveniles: Effects on growth depensation, intra-specific competition and condition index. 2006

Imad Saoud. URB. Size sorting fish fry to decrease intra-specific competition and increase yield. 2005

Imad Saoud. Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. Studying Seasonal Variability and Effects of Fish Oil Supplements in Fish Feeds on ω-3 fatty acids in marine fish. 2004

Imad Saoud and Malek Batal. URB. Assessment of Nutritive Value of Two Mediterranean Fishes with Seasonal Comparisons between Species. 2004

Imad Saoud. American University Research Board. Environmental Optima of the Rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. 2004.

  1. Allen Davis, I. P. Saoudand Ray Henry.  AAES Foundation Grants. Technologiesfor the culture of marine shrimp in inland low-salinity well waters from west Alabama and southeastern USA. 2003