The following are Arabic translations of Various SRAC documents and of the Methods section of the LaMotte Freshwater Aquaculture test kit.

1- Construction of Ponds 101-Arabic.pdf

2- Calculating area and volume of ponds 103-Arabic.pdf

3- Rainbow trout 224-Arabic.pdf

4- Transportation of Warmwater Fish I 390-Arabic.pdf

5- Transportation of Warmwater Fish II 392-Arabic.pdf

6- Calculating treatments for ponds and tanks 410-Arabic.pdf

7- Getting started in Aquaculture 441_Arabic.pdf

8- Nitrite in fish ponds 462-Arabic.pdf

9- Interactions of pH, CO2 and Alkalinity 464-Arabic.pdf

10- Algae blooms in ponds 466-Arabic.pdf

11- Fertilization of fish fry ponds 469_Arabic.pdf

12- Fertilization of fish ponds 471_Arabic.pdf

13- Pond aeration 3700-Arabic.pdf

14- Measuring Dissolved Oxygen in Aquaculture 4601-Arabic.pdf

Translation of manual for LaMotte Freshwater Aquaculture test kit: Manual Test kit-Arabic.pdf