As part of IDEAS 2019, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) is offering a hands-on deep learning workshop on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 from 1:00-4:00 pm in IOEC 217. Registration is free, but space is limited to verifiable academic students, staff, and researchers.
NVIDIA DLI offers hands-on training for developers, data scientists, and researchers looking to solve challenging problems with deep learning and accelerated computing.
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn the basics of deep learning by training and deploying neural networks. You will:
- Implement common deep learning workflows such as Image Classification and Object Detection.
- Experiment with data, training parameters, network structure, and other strategies to increase performance and capability.
- Deploy your networks to start solving real-world problems.On completion of this course, you will be able to start solving your own problems with deep learning.
Familiarity with the basic programming fundamentals such as functions and variables.
Dr. Manal Jalloul is a Lecturer in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. She is also a Certified Trainer and University Ambassador at the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute. Email:

The acronym, IDEAS, was developed to reflect the diversity of the modules. Each letter represents a malleable set of words representing different facets of the conference.