A platform for graduate and undergraduate students to present and learn about ongoing research projects at MSFEA. In addition to oral and poster presentations, this year’s research module will include a 3-minute-thesis (3MT) session where students will only have 3 minutes to explain their research project with the aid of a single slide.
3MT® People’s Choice Award
Trishia El Chemaly – Biomedical Engineering
“Can we restore vision with electrical stimulation”
John Saliba – Biomedical Engineering
“Novel 3D In vitro blood-brain barrier model”
Best 3MT® Research
Presentation Award
Trishia El Chemaly – Biomedical Engineering
“Can we restore vision with electrical stimulation”
Best Undergraduate Research Presentation Award
Tatiana Bohsali – Department of Architecture and Design
“A Currency for the Arab World”
Best Graduate Research Presentation Award
Reem Almasri – Biomedical Engineering
“Biodegradable Neural Prosthesis”
Best Undergraduate Research Poster Award
Yara El Melhem – Department of Architecture and Design
“A Manual of Tasseography”
Best Graduate Research Poster Award
Leticia El Zein – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
“Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures Reinforced with Natural Palm Fibers”
(April 17, 11:30 – 12:30 pm), ELH
Session Chair: Dr. Jason Amatoury

(April 17, 1:00 – 3:00 pm), Big Tent

Undergraduate Oral Presentations
(April 17, 2:00 – 4:00 pm), ELH
Session Chair: Dr. Omar Mismar

Graduate Oral Presentations
(April 18, 9:00 – 11:30 am), ELH
Session Chair: Dr. Mohammad Harb

Are you ready to tell the world about your cutting edge research? Submit an abstract to the Research Module for an opportunity to win prizes for best graduate/undergraduate oral, poster, and 3MT presentations.
You can submit your abstracts here.
The submission deadline for the Research Module is March 31, 2019.
- Create an EasyChair account and use it to login.
- Select the “IDEAS 2019 Research Module” track.
- Fill out the author form.
- Provide a title and an abstract for your work. Abstract must not exceed 300 words.
Scientific research abstracts must include the following components: Introduction/project rationale, Aims and/or Hypotheses, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Architecture and Design Department abstracts should include: Research/project idea, problematics, thesis statement, theoretical approach/design output.
- Enter up to three keywords describing your work.
- Under Topic, select your preferred delivery format: oral presentation, poster presentation, or 3MT.
For oral presentations, students will be required to deliver a PowerPoint presentation of their research. Their talk cannot exceed 12 minutes + 3 minutes for Q&A.
For poster presentations, students will present their research using the aid of a poster.
For 3MT presentations, students will have strictly 3 minutes to talk about their research using only a single PowerPoint slide (animations, physical demos, props, for example, are not permitted). Given the short time, students will need to be extra effective at communicating their project to a non-specialized audience (avoiding jargon/technical language and keeping their talks to the point).
See examples here.
- If you have chosen to present your work as an oral presentation, you will also have a chance to publish a two-page paper in an online proceeding. Instructions on preparing your paper will be communicated at a later date. For now, you can leave the Files section empty.
- Press the “Submit” button.