A celebration of the tinkerer within, and an opportunity to showcase innovative projects completed as part of a course, FYP, or in pursuit of a personal interest or passion. MSFEA student societies will also be on hand to organize fun competitions and practical workshops. The Maker Faire will also include a Live Thursday musical program.
April 29, 9:00 – 3:30, Big Tent
People’s choice Award
Students for sustainable energy for all (SSEA)
“The Smoothie Bike”

Do you have a cool demo from a course project, FYP, or a personal project? Tell us about it and reserve your spot at the Maker Faire for a chance to win the People’s Choice Award.
Entries for the Maker Faire can be submitted here.
The submission deadline for the Maker Faire is April 8, 2019.
- Create an EasyChair account and use it to login.
- Select the “IDEAS 2019 Maker Faire” track.
- Fill out the author form.
- Provide a title and an abstract for your work. Tell us what your demo will be about, and whether your demo has any special needs. All Maker Faire participants will be provided with a display table, an electric outlet, and AUBnet wireless access.
- Enter up to three keywords describing your work (optional).
- You can leave the Files section empty.
- Press the “Submit” button.