Associate Professor
Clinical psychology and psychopathology
Department of Psychiatry
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Short Biography
Dr. Leyla Akoury-Dirani is a child and adolescent clinical psychologist, associate professor at the Department of Psychiatry of the American University of Beirut. She is currently the President of the Lebanese Order of psychologists (LOPSY). Dr. Akoury-Dirani is a member of the Psychologists’ licensing committee at the Ministry of Public Health, a member of the Quality control of the Category 2 hospitals at the same minister, and a member of the Colloquium committee at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). Dr. Akoury-Dirani has been clinically active since 1986 with patients and their families, providing diagnostic assessment, parent guidance, and child psychotherapy. She is involved in many initiatives pertaining to child and adolescent mental health at a strategic level, collaborating with the Lebanese government and the United Nations agencies to develop more equitable policies towards the most vulnerable children and adolescents. Her research and her teaching encompass child development, child psychopathology, child protection, and parenting.