Our Programs

Environmental Health

Environmental issues are no longer distant; they affect us daily! If you are passionate about the environment, join the environmental health program at the Faculty of Health Sciences and learn to be at the frontline against environmental crisis, protect communities from pollution, ensure clean air, water, and food for all, fight climate change, protect Public Health and ecology, and shape environmental policies and strategies. Take action with us! Enroll and be part of the solution!

Environmental health graduates can work in ministries such as the public health, environment, energy, and water, international and UN organizations, NGOs, hospital quality control and certification programs, industries under certification teams for HACCP, ISO, GHP and GMP, petroleum administration in companies, academic institutes, and research centers. Join the Faculty of Health Sciences and be among those who graduate to embark into a journey of limitless possibilities.

Health Communication

If you interested in the world of social marketing and health campaign planning then join the Health Communication program at the Faculty of Health Sciences to develop proficiency in communication strategies and gain skills needed to address public health issues. This program offers a wide range of employment opportunities and equips you to work in international, governmental, or civil society organizations that focus on health, social, and environmental causes. You can also explore opportunities in hospitals, universities, research institutes, marketing and advertising companies, consulting firms, or media organizations. Do not let this chance pass you by and enroll in the health communication program where every message matters and every information has the potential to change lives!

Medical Imaging Sciences

Medical imaging professionals are the bridge between the visible and the hidden. They are frontline health professionals who use technology to uncover what lies beneath and play a key role in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treating of patients’ injuries and illnesses.  Join us in the world of Medical Imaging Sciences, where every image tells a story, and every scan can save a life. Join the Medical Imaging Sciences Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences!

Medical Laboratory Sciences

Allows you to serve and improve the health needs of individuals and communities. Our students spend their last year rotating in the clinical laboratories of the AUB Medical Center where they gain hands-on experience in state of the art diagnostics in microbiology, hematology, clinical chemistry, blood bank, serology, and molecular genetics. Moreover the program guarantees immediate career opportunities and constitutes the foundation for advanced graduate studies in medicine, basic sciences and public health.

As a medical laboratory scientist, your career options are not just limited to working in hospitals and private lab settings. You have the potential to work as a medical representative, assume managerial roles in pharmaceutical and medical equipment firms, engage in research within university laboratories, or as a healthcare professional in governmental institutions and international organizations. Join the MLS program at the Faculty of Health Sciences at AUB and contribute to saving people’s lives and global public health.

Programs that Lead to Medical School

FHS UG programs are also pre-medical degrees that pave the way to medical school:

  • FHS UG students’ applications have a unique edge. Backgrounds in public health and health professions make your applications more compelling!
  • A degree from FHS opens doors to exciting healthcare career opportunities. Even if you don’t pursue a medical degree, you still hold a valuable career in your hands!
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences and the Medical Imaging Sciences majors focus on diagnostic skills, essential for clinical practice and an advantage in medical school.
  • Environmental Health majors focus on the prevention and understanding of environmental health factors, a unique perspective in medicine.
  • Health Communication majors develop communication skills, essential for effective patient care.

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