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Dobo Dobo Written by Simon Tchaghlassian With the scarcity of micro-finance institutions in Lebanon that only serve 11.5% of the population, many people and especially university students find themselves short on cash in certain urgent situations such as: paying for...

Cash Buddy

Cash Buddy Cash Buddy Written by Ammar Al Husni Banks are in a constant competition with each other in the quest to increase their respective market share, and better serve their clients. One method to increase market share is through their ATM network. Several...

Startups: A New Hope?

Startups: A New Hope? Startups: A New Hope? Written by George Haydar What is now proved was once only imagined.” -William Blake It is very rare, even impossible one might say, to stumble upon a phrase that perfectly describes the last fifty years of scientific...

IEEE Student Branch At AUB

IEEE Student Branch At AUB IEEE Student Branch At AUB Written by George Haydar There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure” -Colin Powell This quote encapsulates the essence of the Institute of Electronics and...