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Written by Ahmad Bukhari

Most people avoid using the “service” transportation mode in Beirut because of the many problems this sector suffers from, despite it being a readily available and cheap mode of transport. On one hand, the passengers suffer from long waiting times for pick-up as well as long trips with little guarantee of safety. On the other hand, “service” drivers have very low revenues compared to their working times, and they cannot decide which routes to take and which passengers to pick-up. This drawback is also accompanied by the congestion and traffic delays, caused by unnecessary stops of “services”.
This is where the ServU startup comes in. ServU is developing a ride-sourcing app that aims to optimize “service” routing and ensure the proper matching between passengers and service drivers in real-time. This startup aims to organize a longtime neglected sector in Lebanon by taking all of the complex decision-making away from the driver and providing automated and optimized smart decisions. Moreover, the app provides passengers with a reduction in travel time, an assurance of safety and an increase in comfort.
As entrepreneurs, the team succeeded in transforming an idea born from personal experience into an engineering project that benefits the Lebanese community from a socioeconomic perspective. The project was complemented with a business study for the project’s implementation, in addition to surveys and field studies for a better understanding of the current conditions of the “service” sector. Tackling the project comprehensively and studying its possible impact on the general traffic upon implementation gave the team more incentives to bring this startup into reality.
Lebanon deserves such an initiative, and Lebanese drivers deserve higher standards of living. It is worth noting that more than 20,000 drivers are working currently in Beirut city only. Consequently, over 20,000 families suffer from destructive competition and unstable revenue.

Although Lebanon seems to be sailing like a rudderless ship, the team believes that ServU and similar initiatives can help this ship sail in the direction of a more prosperous Lebanon.

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