INDE 504 Discrete-Event Simulation – Spring 2025
Instructor: Bacel Maddah
Class Notes (over a tentative schedule)
Excel simulation for the game of Craps
Weeks 2-3
Probability and Random Variable Review
Weeks 4-5
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation.
Monte Carlo and Process Oriented Simulation.
Simulation Verification and Validation.
Weeks 6-7
Input Analysis I: Overview and data collection.
Input Analysis II: Hypothesizing distribution and parameter estimation.
Input Analysis III: Goodness of fit, what to do with no data.
Chi Square Test on Drive-through Inter-arrival data
Weeks 8-9
Random Number Generators (1): Overview, Linear Congruential Generators, Good and Common LCGs.
Random Number Generators (2): Testing RNGs, Empirical Tests, Chi^2, KS, Runs.
Weeks 10-12
Generating random Varietes (1): Inverse Transform, Composition, Convolution.
Excel model for generating Z based on 12 Us
Excel Simulation of a Poisson Process
Weeks 13-14
Obtaining a Specific Precision of Output dot Excel
Sign-up and proposal submission sheet
Project template (to be followed strictly on font size and type, line spacing, margins, page limit, etc.)
Python Stuff
Distribution fitting with Scipy
Homework Assignments
HW 1. Probability refresh. Due Thursday, February 6, in class.
HW 2. Discrete event and Monte Carlo by hand, KSZ book: 3-6, 3-7, 3-13, and supplement problem. Due Friday, March 7. Submit here following these instructions strictly.
HW 3. BCNN book, Ch 9 (pp. 376-379): 9.7, 9.11, 9.12, 9.14, 9.17, 9.19 (use Arena Input Analyzer). Due Thursday March 20, in class.
HW 4. BCNN book, Ch 7 (p. 293): 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, and supplement problem.
HW 5. BCNN book, Ch 8 (use Excel RNG): 8.4, 8.5, 8.9, 8.29, Ch 11: 11.1, 11.4.
NN Taleb mini lectures in probability
Winter Simulation Conference archive
The search for the random numbers that run our lives