Bacel Maddah’s Publications

Edited Book
Ghoniem, A. and B. Maddah, eds. (2023). Retail Space Analytics. Springer.
Journal Publications
(a * indicates a student).
- El-Hassan, N.*, and B. Maddah (2024). Power Approximations for Pricing American Options. International Transactions in Operational Research, forthcoming.
- Ben Abdelaziz, F., B. Maddah, T. Flamand, and J. Azar (2024). Store-Wide Space Planning Balancing Impulse and Convenience. European Journal of Operational Research, 312: 211-226.
- Flamand, T., A. Ghoniem, and B. Maddah (2023). Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation with Ripple Effects Driving Traffic. Operations Research, 71: 1073–1092.
- Tarhini, H., B. Maddah, and A. Shmayssani*, (2023). Pricing, Assortment, and Inventory Decisions under Nested Logit Demand and Equal Profit Margins. IISE Transactions: 55: 602-615. Video of talk at HEC Montreal.
- Tarhini, H., B. Maddah, and F. Hamzeh (2021). The Traveling Salesman Puts-on a Hard Hat – Tower Crane Scheduling in Construction Projects. European Journal of Operational Research, 292: 327-338.
- Maddah, B., F. Ben Abdelaziz, and H. Tarhini (2021). Bi-Objective Optimization of Profit and Customer Surplus in Assortment and Pricing Planning. Annals of Operations Research, 296: 195–210.
- Nehme, N., B. Maddah and I. Kaysi, (2021). An integrated multi-ship crane allocation in Beirut Port container terminal. Operational Research, 21, 1743-1761.
- Nasr, W. W., A. Charanek*, and B. Maddah (2018). MAP Fitting by Count and Inter-Arrival Moment Matching. Stochastic Models, 34: 292-321.
- Flamand, T., A. Ghoniem, M. Hawari and B. Maddah (2018). Integrated Assortment Planning and Store-wide Shelf Space Allocation: An Optimization-based Approach. Omega, 81: 134-149.
- Maddah, B., W. W. Nasr, and A. Charanek* (2017). A Multi-Station System for Reducing Congestion in High-Variability Queues. European Journal of Operational Research, 262: 602-619.
- Maddah, B. and M. El-Taha (2017). Analysis of a Two-Node Closed Queueing Cyclic Network with One Non-Exponential Node. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110: 297-306.
- Maddah, B. and N. Noueihed (2017). EOQ Holds under Stochastic Demand, a Technical Note . Applied Mathematical Modelling, 45: 205-208.
- Flamand, T., A. Ghoniem, and B. Maddah (2016). Promoting Impulse Buying by Allocating Retail Shelf Space to Grouped Product Categories. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67: 953-969.
- Ghoniem, A., B. Maddah, and A. Ismail* (2016). Optimizing Assortment and Pricing of Multiple Retail Categories with Cross-Selling, Jounrnal of Global Optimization, 66: 291-309.
- Maddah, B., M. Kharbeche, S. Pokharel, and A. Ghoiem (2016). Joint Replenishment Model for Multiple products with Substitution . Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40: 7678-7688.
- Maddah, B. and M. El-Taha (2016). Selective trunk with multi-Server reservation. Advances in Operations Research, doi:10.1155/2016/3478709. (Invited article)
- Nasr, W. W. and B. Maddah (2015). Continuous (s,S) Policy with MMPP Correlated Demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 246: 874–885.
- Ghoniem, A. and B. Maddah (2015). Integrated Retail Decisions with Multiple Selling Periods and Customer Segments: Optimization and Insights. Omega, 55: 38-52.
- Aprahamian*, H. and B. Maddah (2015). Pricing Asian Options via Compound Gamma and Orthogonal Polynomials. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 264: 21–43.
- Maddah, B., E. K. Bish, and H. Tarhini* (2014). Newsvendor Pricing and Assortment under Poisson Decomposition. IIE Transactions, 46: 567-584.
- Maddah, B., A. Yassine, M. K. Salameh and L. Chatila* (2014). Reserve Stock with Deterioration and Preventive Replenishment. European Journal of Operational Research, 232: 64–71.
- Maddah, B., A. Yassine, M. Hindi, and Z. Wahab* (2014). An IntegratedApproach to State Decision-Making in Upstream Hydrocarbon Operations with Application to Lebanon. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61: 755-767.
- Salameh, M. K., A. Yassine, B. Maddah, and L. Ghaddar* (2014). Joint Replenishment Model with Substitution. Applied Mathematical Modelling,38: 3662-3671.
- Yassine, A., B. Maddah, and N. Nehme* (2013). Optimal Information Exchange Policies in Integrated Product Development. IIE Transactions, 45, 1249–1262.
- Nasr, W. W. and B. Maddah, (2013). EOQ with a Correlated Binomial Supply. International Journal of Production Economics, 144: 248–255.
- Yassine, A., B. Maddah, and N. Younes* (2013). On Structuring Offshore Hydrocarbon Production Sharing Contracts: Lebanon’s Case. Journal of World Energy Law & Business, Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 6: 83-106.
- Kaysi, I. A., B. Maddah, N. Nehme*, and F. M. Mneimneh (2012). An Integrated Model for Resource Allocation and Scheduling in a Transshipment Container Terminal. Transportation Letters, 4: 143-152.
- Yassine, A., B. Maddah, and M. K. Salameh (2012). Disaggregation and Consolidationof Imperfect Inventory Shipments in an Extended EPQ Model. International Journal of Production Economics, 135: 345–352.
- Mezher, T., D. Noamani, A. Abdul-Malak, and B. Maddah. (2011). Analyzing Sustainability Knowledge in the Arab World. Sustainable Development, 19: 402–416.
- Maddah, B., M. El-Taha, and R. Abou Tayeh* (2010). Optimal Allocation of Servers and Processing Time in a Load Balancing System. Computers & Operations Research, 37: 2173-2181.
- Maddah, B., M. K. Salameh, and L. Moussawi (2010). Order Overlapping: A Practical Approach for Preventing Shortages during Screening. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 58: 691-695.
- Maddah, B., L. Moussawi, and M. Y. Jaber (2010). Lot Sizing with a Markov Production Process and Imperfect Items Scrapped. International Journal of Production Economics 124: 340-347.
- Maddah, B., L. Moussawi, M. El-Taha, and H. Rida* (2010). Dynamic Cruise Ship Revenue Management. European Journal of Operational Research, 207: 445–455.
- Maddah, B. and E. K. Bish (2009). Locational Tying of Complementary Retail Items. Naval Research Logistics, 56: 421-438.
- Maddah, B. M. K. Salameh, and G. M. Karame* (2009). Lot Sizing with Random Yield and Items of Different Qualities . Applied Mathematical Modelling 33: 1997–2009. Abstract.
- Maddah, B. and M. Y. Jaber (2008). Economic Order Quantity for Items with Imperfect Quality: Revisited . International Journal of Production Economics, 112: 808–815.
- Maddah, B.and E. K. Bish (2007). Joint Pricing, Assortment, and Inventory Decisions for a Retailer’s Product Line. Naval Research Logistics, 54: 315-330.
- El-Taha, M. and B. Maddah (2006). Allocation of Service Time in a Multi-Server System . Management Science, 52: 623-637.
- Maddah, B., M. Y. Jaber and N. E. Abboud (2004). Periodic Review (s, S) Inventory Model with Permissible Delay in Payments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55: 147-159.
Book Chapters
- Flamand, T., A. Ghoniem, and B. Maddah (2023). A Solver-Free Heuristic for Store-wide Allocation. In Retail Space Analytics, Ed. A. Ghoniem and B. Maddah.
- Tarhini, H. and B. Maddah (2022). Fundamentals of Supply Chain Operations. In Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Handbook, Ed. B. Bidanda. McGraw Hill.
- Maddah, B., E. K. Bish, and B. Munreo (2011). Pricing, Variety, and Inventory Decisions for Product Lines of Substitutable Items. In Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook, Eds. K. Kemph, P. Keskinocak, and R. Uzsoy. Springer.
- Bish, D. R., E. K. Bish, and B. Maddah (2007). Revenue Management and Capacity Planning. In Handbook of Logistics Engineering, Ed. G. D. Taylor. CRC Press.
Working Papers / Submitted for Publication
- El-Hassan, N.*, B. Maddah, and F. Ben Abdelaziz. Optimal Timing of Imposing and Lifting Lockdowns during an Epidemic.
- El-Hassan, N.*, B. Maddah, and F. Ben Abdelaziz. Optimal Lockdown Timing during an Epidemic.
- Tarhini, H. and B. Maddah. Pricing, Assortment, and Inventory Decisions under a Generalized Nested Logit Demand.
- Gemayel, J.* B. Maddah and W. Nasr. A Queueing Model of Car Traffic to Balance Costs and Emissions.
- Maddah, B. and M El-Taha. Approximation for the Variance of the Arrival Process of a Series System with Service Truncation.
- Hajj, H.* and B. Maddah. Optimal Time and Cost balance in Project Risk Management.