
9-17-year-old Syrian refugee girls are not enrolled in school


9-17-year-old Syrian refugee girls married

A survey conducted by the research team of Amenah Project on school attendance and marriage among Syrian refugee girls and young women who reside in three towns in the Bekaa region of Lebanon showed that half of 9-17-year-old Syrian refugee girls were not enrolled in school and 24% of those younger than 18 years of age were married.

Why Education is Important for Girls?


E d u c a t i o n    I s    t h e  

M o v e m e n t    f r o m    D a r k n e s s    t o    

L i g h t    

– Allan Bloom 


One in five school-aged children are not in school at all. Poverty and conflicts zones are the most obstinate barriers for education. Notably in some parts of the world, especially in the Arab region, education opportunities are limited for girls amidst the harmful gender norms embedded in this society.

Without skills for lifelong learning, children and adolescents face greater barriers later in life. They are more likely to suffer from unemployment, adverse health outcomes, less likely to participate in the decisions that affect them, and getting married before the age of 18 years old. All of this would threaten their ability to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Since education is important for a better health, let’s dive deeper into the meaning of health.

Health is integration of a full wellbeing physically, psychologically and socially, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. You, yes you, have the right to health. YOU have the right to have an a surrounding and an environment that supports your physical, mental, psychological and social health, and those of your family.


Sexual and reproductive health is also a right enshrined within the concept of the universal right to enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of life, health, and growth. The sexual development and the accompanying feelings and behaviors are normal and extend to all the phases of life. Our ability to understand and sympathize with the different aspects of sexuality in the life of our sons and daughters help us respond to their needs and questions in an appropriate manner, because their needs do not stem only from a desire of knowledge about sexual practices, but extend to include their need to understand all aspects of sexuality, including their identity as males and females, and their need to understand the thoughts and feelings associated with it.


It is our duty as parents to respect this right and to work based upon it. As parents, it is necessary to adopt positive attitudes and ways to deal with our sons and daughters during their journey to discover the body and feelings and to think of relationships. This will help us build on their values, responsibility and ability to take informed decisions, free from fear and ignorance on the topics of sexual and reproductive health.

What Does Health and Wellbeing Mean?


H e a l t h   I s   a   H u m a n   R i g h t,

 n o t   a   P r i v i l e g e    t o   b e  

P u r c h a s e d

– Shirley Chisholm 


When I was an Adolescent

Both the child and adolescent have the right to understand the physical changes that he/she experiences so that to feel comfortable with his/her body and to view it positively. It is our duty as parents to enhance his/her positive view of the body to help him/her accept these changes.